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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file HeavyLoad 3.3
Informazioni e Release Notes del file HeavyLoad 3.3
Data di pubblicazione: 27 novembre 2013
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  • The test method "Allocate Memory" has been revised. HeavyLoad will now hold the threshold much more stable than before.
  • HeavyLoad is now also available as a native 64-bit application. RAM values greater than 2 GB can now be allocated.
  • Usability improvement: Options can now be controlled via shortcuts.
  • Portable version: The test file will no longer be saved to a non-existing path.
  • "Simulate Disc Access" test now uses the latest TreeSize Free V2.7.
  • Bugfix (Portable Version): An error occurring when switching to a system with fewer CPU cores has been fixed.
  • A few minor fixes have been incorporated.

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