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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file GoodSync 10.9.16
Informazioni e Release Notes del file GoodSync 10.9.16
Data di pubblicazione: 12 novembre 2018
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* Improve new user experience: no post-update page, more noticeable dialog.
* GoodSync start: Encourage users to create GoodSync Account, but allow to Skip it.
* GoodSync2Go: allow GoodSync Account in Gs2Go setup and encourage to add it.
* Installers: Reset Downloaded from Internet flag, so that installed EXEs do not show warnings.
* Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
* MS Graph: Fixed "scope" parameter not stored in FS token cache.
* CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure.
* Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work.
* Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe.
* License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11.
* gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned.
* sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses.
* Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket.
* Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence.
* gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6.
* Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted.
* gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events.
* gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI.
* Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables.
* Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough.
* GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly.

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