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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file Prime95 30.3 build 3
Informazioni e Release Notes del file Prime95 30.3 build 3
Data di pubblicazione: 21 agosto 2020
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1) PRP proofs. This allows GIMPS to double-check a PRP test at less than 1% of the cost of a full PRP test!
PRP proofs require lots of temporary disk space. See readme.txt for details.
PRP proofs require uploading a large proof file. See readme.txt for details.
PRP proof verifications require downloading a modest verification file. See readme.txt for details.
2) Proofs automatically uploaded to server in 30.2.
3) First time LL, World-record LL, 100M-digit LL work preference is deprecated.
4) New resource limits menu choice and dialog box. Consult readme.txt before making changes to these settings.
Some options previously in Test/Worker Windows and Options/CPU are moved to the resources dialog box.
5) LL-DC and PRP-DC combined into a single work preference.
6) Warning raised if temporary disk space is less than 1.5GB -- you may not get first time prime tests.
7) Thanks to Mihai Preda, the P-1 probability calculator has been improved. This change results in a
lower optimal B1 value and higher optimal B2 value.

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