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Informazioni e Release Notes del file Total Commander 10.00
Data di pubblicazione: 10 giugno 2021
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  • Directories created by MacOS on ExFAT flash drives are now shown in TC. They were not shown because they had the inavlid attribute 8: Volume label
  • Always show hidden directory "AppData" in c:\Users\ even with hidden files disabled
  • Allow user to install key file automatically when double clicking on it.
  • Add a "Zone Transfer" data stream when downloading files via anonymous FTP (Ctrl+F), or HTTP (Ctrl+N) from outside the intranet, like web browsers
  • When unpacking files internally or via plugins, copy "Zone Transfer" data stream from archive to unpacked files, just like the Explorer
  • New zone transfer option can be disabled via WantZoneData=0
  • Always look for key file also in c:\totalcmd, even if Total Commander is installed elsewhere
User interface:
  • Allow to use "Windows Hello" on Windows 10 to securely store master password until TC is closed. Use fingerprint, face or pin to connect again
  • Use mouse wheel to scroll through directory tabs (like in Firefox) when not using multi-line tabs
  • Zoom thumbnails with Ctrl+Mouse wheel between 10% and 200% of the size configured in Configuration - Options - Thumbnails
  • Load thumbnails from EXIF data (preview image) from JPG and various camera RAW formats: Canon RAW 1-3, DNG, Fuji, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Pentax, Sony
  • New option "Return to locked tab root directory on tab change" in Configuration - Options - Folder tabs
  • Show "!" prefix when current dir differs from locked dir on tabs which are locked with directory changes allowed
  • New option to only execute command line when it is focused (Configuration - Options - Layout)
  • When closing TC while there are unpacked temporary files, show the user the first 3 file names and their origin
  • Drop file from outside (e.g. virtual folder in Explorer) to read only directory (e.g. c:\windows): Better dialogs to allow overwrite and copy as admin
  • Automatically scale dialog boxes with the chosen font if the font needs more space than the default font
  • Ctrl+L on single file now also shows the Zone.Identifier stream data for that file
  • Save displayed file types (e.g. *.txt) separately for each tab. Configuration - Options - Folder Tabs - Save displayed file types separately for each tab
  • Ctrl+U and Ctrl+Shift+U now also swap the displayed file types if DirTabFilters=1, because they are part of the tab
  • Directory menu (Ctrl+D): Option to hide menu items which begin with a user-defined character, by default a question mark '?'
  • View modes, Auto-run commands: Put '-' at the start of the command field to not execute commands on tab change, only on directory change
  • For locked folder tabs with directory changes allowed, show both the current directory and the locked directory if they are different
Saving settings:
  • When user cannot save settings (e.g. in Configuration menu or main settings), offer to copy ini files to user profile
  • For plugins in write protected directories, intercept calls to CreateFileA/W and all INI functions, and redirect write calls to %APPDATA%\GHISLER\redirect
  • Disable redirection of plugins: Add 8192 to RestrictInterface in wincmd.ini or registry
  • Specify different ini locations for specific plugins: wincmd.ini [full release notes]

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