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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file Open Broadcaster (OBS Studio) 31.0.2 [Portable]
Informazioni e Release Notes del file Open Broadcaster (OBS Studio) 31.0.2 [Portable]
Data di pubblicazione: 8 marzo 2025
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file Open Broadcaster (OBS Studio) 31.0.2 [Portable], nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su Open Broadcaster (OBS Studio) 31.0.2 [Portable], o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

NVIDIA Kepler (600 and 700 series) GPUs are no longer supported for NVENC.

NVIDIA users may need to update their GPU drivers to 551.76 (Windows) / 550.54.14 (Linux) or newer.

The code signing certificate for OBS has been updated. This may impact game capture compatibility with some anti-cheat solutions with this OBS update. If you are a game or anti-cheat developer please see for more information.

31.0.2 Hotfix Changes
  • Fixed a crash on Windows when initializing a Video Capture Device source that does not provide a valid frame size [RytoEX]
  • Fixed a crash on Windows when using NVIDIA Audio Effects filters with certain SDK versions [pkviet]
  • Fixed a crash on Windows when using obs-websocket with a config path that contained Unicode characters [PatTheMav/tt2468]
  • Fixed a crash on macOS when initializing a Video Capture Device source in a corrupt state [jcm93]
  • Fixed an issue on macOS where Python scripting would not work if Python was installed via Homebrew [jcm93]
  • Fixed an issue on Windows where browser sources would not recognize gamepad input if OBS Studio was not in focus [WizardCM]
  • Fixed an issue with browser sources where they would occasionally stutter for 250ms [reitowo/WizardCM/PatTheMav/tytan652/pkviet]
  • Fixed an issue on Linux where browser sources used more CPU than previous versions [tytan652]
  • Fixed the setting value range for NVENC target quality for AV1 [Bleuzen]
  • Fixed logging for NVENC lookahead values [DeeDeeG]
  • Added additional logging for browser sources [WizardCM/tt2468]
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