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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file SIV (System Information Viewer) 4.10
Informazioni e Release Notes del file SIV (System Information Viewer) 4.10
Data di pubblicazione: 15 luglio 2010
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Updated support for Intel Core i3 500 (Clarkdale), Core i7 800 (Clarksfield), Pentium SU4000 (Penryn) and Celeron SU2000 (Penryn) series processors.

Added support for the Intel H57, E7500 and E7501 chipsets.

Added reporting of GPU Speeds and Utilisation to the Initial screen and updated [H/W Status] to also include this information. Added -NOGPUS to disable GPU information, -GPUS=n to set the number to display and updated [About] to include -GPUS. This reporting uses either ADL or NVAPI, so you need to have a supported graphics card and you may need to update to the latest driver release to for the % GPU Utilisation.

Added the [GPU Info] panel shows the raw GPU information that is returned to SIV.

Updated [USB Bus] to indicate the bus hierarchy. Corrected the [Wi-Fi] page's reporting of 802.11n Radios. Fixed Thermal Zone reporting for 32-bit Windows Vista.

Added the [CLSID] page which lists all the CLSIDs which have a shell command association.

Added support for the PCA9544 SMBus multiplexor on the Tyan S3992 motherboard. This allows the DIMM SPD information and all the [SMB Bus] devices to be reported.

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