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La TV incontra il Web e il Web incontra la TV: nasce Google TV

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21.05.2010 - La TV incontra il Web e il Web incontra la TV: nasce Google TV

"La TV incontra il Web e il Web incontra la TV". Con questo slogan Google ha annunciato ufficialmente la sua nuova scommessa tecnologica e commerciale, denominata appunto Google TV.

L'ultimo servizo in ordine di tempo messo a disposizione dal colosso di Mountain View nasce dalla osservazione in accordo alla quale nel mondo ci sono ben quattro miliardi di persone che guardano la TV e che negli U.S. il tempo medio giornaliero trascorso davanti al televisore è pari a cinque ore.

Con simili premesse la televisione in senso ampio non poteva non rappresentare una ghiotta occasione di business per Google, che ha così messo a punto una nuova piattaforma per la quale la parola d'ordine è la massima integrazione tra la TV odierna e il Web.

Un simile risultato, raggiunto con il supporto di strumenti consolidati dal punto di vista software, come i prodotti proprietari Android e Google Chrome, e di partner di primo piano in grado di produrre l'hardware necessario per l'implementazione dell'idea Google TV (a tal proposito Sony ha lanciato simultaneamente Sony Internet TV, ndr), consente di utilizzare concretamente il televisore per fare Web Surfing tra i siti preferiti, guardare i video di YouTube e ampliare la lista dei canali disponibili, aggiungendo a quelli già in essere per il media televisivo, quelli che, in grandissimo numero, sono trasmessi mediante Internet.

La TV si integra con il Web e, inevitabilmente, assomiglia sempre più a un computer, anche dal punto di vista della versatilità: gli sviluppatori sono infatti già al lavoro per mettere a punto sempre più applicazioni per la piattaforma Android utilizzata anche da Google TV.

If there’s one entertainment device that people know and love, it’s the television. In fact, 4 billion people across the world watch TV and the average American spends five hours per day in front of one*. Recently, however, an increasing amount of our entertainment experience is coming from our phones and computers. One reason is that these devices have something that the TV lacks: the web. With the web, finding and accessing interesting content is fast and often as easy as a search. But the web still lacks many of the great features and the high-quality viewing experience that the TV offers.

So that got us thinking...what if we helped people experience the best of TV and the best of the web in one seamless experience? Imagine turning on the TV and getting all the channels and shows you normally watch and all of the websites you browse all day — including your favorite video, music and photo sites. We’re excited to announce that we’ve done just that.

Google TV is a new experience for television that combines the TV that you already know with the freedom and power of the Internet. With Google Chrome built in, you can access all of your favorite websites and easily move between television and the web. This opens up your TV from a few hundred channels to millions of channels of entertainment across TV and the web. Your television is also no longer confined to showing just video. With the entire Internet in your living room, your TV becomes more than a TV — it can be a photo slideshow viewer, a gaming console, a music player and much more.

Google TV uses search to give you an easy and fast way to navigate to television channels, websites, apps, shows and movies. For example, already know the channel or program you want to watch? Just type in the name and you’re there. Want to check out that funny YouTube video on your 48” flat screen? It’s just a quick search away. If you know what you want to watch, but you’re not sure where to find it, just type in what you’re looking for and Google TV will help you find it on the web or on one of your many TV channels. If you’d rather browse than search, you can use your standard program guide, your DVR or the Google TV home screen, which provides quick access to all of your favorite entertainment so you’re always within reach of the content you love most.

Because Google TV is built on open platforms like Android and Google Chrome, these features are just a fraction of what Google TV can do. In our announcement today at Google I/O, we challenged web developers to start coming up with the next great web and Android apps designed specifically for the TV experience. Developers can start optimizing their websites for Google TV today. Soon after launch, we’ll release the Google TV SDK and web APIs for TV so that developers can build even richer applications and distribute them through Android Market. We've already started building strategic alliances with a number of companies — like and Rovi — at the leading edge of innovation in TV technology. is a next-generation TV application working to provide semantic search, personalized recommendation and social features for Google TV across all sources of premium content available to the user. Rovi is one of the world's leading guide applications. We’re looking forward to seeing all of the ways developers will use this new platform.

We’re working together with Sony and Logitech to put Google TV inside of televisions, Blu-ray players and companion boxes. These devices will go on sale this fall, and will be available at Best Buy stores nationwide. You can sign up here to get updates on Google TV availability.

This is an incredibly exciting time — for TV watchers, for developers and for the entire TV ecosystem. By giving people the power to experience what they love on TV and on the web on a single screen, Google TV turns the living room into a new platform for innovation. We're excited about what’s coming. We hope you are too.

News Source: Google Press Release

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