Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, Kingston ha annunciato la sua prima linea di Flash drive USB 3.0 Ready, denominata DataTraveler Ultimate 3.0 (cfr. la foto seguente).
In accordo al produttore, le nuove unità, poichè implementano le nuove specifiche di USB 3.0, possono vantare una velocità di trasferimento dati che può essere fino a 10 volte superiore a quella delle soluzioni analoghe della generazione precedente (USB 2.0 Ready).
I dispositivi della serie DataTraveler Ultimate 3.0 sono disponibili con capacità di 16GB, 32GB e 64GB; supportano una velocità di scrittura pari a 60MB/s e una velocità di lettura pari a 80MB/s. In altre parole, con questi drive è possibile memorizzare 3.9GB di dati in 1.13 minuti, in base ai test condotti dalla stessa Kingston.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Kingston Digital, Inc., the Flash memory affiliate of Kingston Technology Company, Inc., the independent world leader in memory products, today announced it is shipping its first USB 3.0 Flash drive. The Kingston DataTraveler Ultimate 3.0 Flash drive takes advantage of the faster USB 3.0 specification that has up to ten times the data transfer rates of the current USB 2.0 specification.
The DataTraveler Ultimate 3.0 has a read speed of 80MB/sec. and a write speed of 60MB/sec. It is available in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB capacities. The combination of speed and size makes it ideal for data backup or fast transferring of large files including music, photos and videos. To ensure backwards compatibility, Kingston is also including a Y cable as some USB 2.0 ports require it to initialize USB 3.0 drives.
"USB 3.0 is the next major milestone in Flash memory for USB products and Kingston wants to have a solution in the marketplace for early adopters," said Andrew Ewing, USB business manager, Kingston. "The DataTraveler Ultimate 3.0 is our first USB 3.0 Flash drive offering and is designed for enthusiasts who like to embrace new technology before it goes mainstream."
During internal testing, a 1 hour 44 minute movie (3.9GB) was written to the drive in 1 minute 13 seconds. Similarly, a 2 hour 23 minute DVD (4.4GB) transferred to the drive at a fast 1 minute 23 seconds†.
The Kingston DataTraveler Ultimate 3.0 USB Flash drive is backed by a five-year warranty, 24/7 tech support and legendary Kingston reliability. For more information visit www.kingston.com.
News Source: Kingston Press Release