Sono indirizzate ai sistemi ad alte prestazioni utilizzati nell'ambito enterprise, medium-sized businesse (SMB) e dai system integrator le nuove unità di memorizzazione di massa a stato solito della gamma VeloDrive PCI-Express SSD (cfr. le foto seguenti) proposta da OCZ Technology.
Le nuove soluzioni OCZ assicurano prestazioni al top, non ottenibili con gli SSD dotati di una interfaccia di tipo SATA o SAS, in virtù della connettività mediante il bus PCI-Express.
In accordo al produttore, i drive VeloDrive PCI-Express, i quali sono basati sui processori SandForce SF-1565 SSD e su chip di memoria NAND flash in tecnologia MLC, sono in grado di assicurare velocità di trasferimento che raggiungono la soglia di 1GB/s e supportano un numero di IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second), in modalità di scrittura random, pari a 130.000 con blocchi di dati da 4KB.
Gli SSD VeloDrive PCI-Express saranno disponibili in tre differenti capacità, 300GB, 600GB e 1.2TB, e permetteranno la realizzazione di stack basati sulla tecnologia RAID.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

OCZ Technology Group, Inc., a leading designer, manufacturer and distributor of high-performance solid state drives (SSDs), today unveiled the VeloDrive PCI-Express SSD. Designed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), enterprise clients and system integrators, the VeloDrive optimizes high-performance computing and storage applications, providing unparalleled versatility and simplified integration.
"The VeloDrive is the latest addition to our comprehensive lineup of PCIe SSDs. A truly configurable solution, it helps a range of customers accelerate their application performance," said Daryl Lang, VP of Product Management, OCZ Technology Group. "The ability to run the VeloDrive in multiple modes provides clients with the freedom to use the raid stack of their choice. This maximizes performance and creates faster, more seamless deployments with RAID stacks that may already have been qualified for their unique usage model."
The VeloDrive can be run in either hardware or software RAID mode and can be deployed in half-height or full-height system requirements. When compared with competing PCIe flash-based solutions, the highly-efficient VeloDrive has a minimal impact on system resources including CPU utilization and the system’s DRAM footprint.
Eliminating the SATA/SAS bottleneck, the PCIe-based VeloDrive has the ability to delivers transfer speeds of up to 1GB/s and 130,000 4KB random write IOPS, and features SandForce SF-1565 SSD processors for enhanced reliability and power loss data protection. The VeloDrive utilizes MLC NAND flash and will be available in 300GB, 600GB e 1.2TB configurations.
News Source: OCZ Technology Press Release