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AMD annuncia la Radeon X1900 G5 Mac Edition di ATI

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07.11.2006 - AMD annuncia la Radeon X1900 G5 Mac Edition di ATI

AMD ha annunciato un nuovo prodotto di ATI per sistemi Mac, ovvero la scheda grafica Radeon X1900 G5 Mac Edition, dedicata alle piattaforme Power Mac G5 Quad e Power Mac G5 Dual ed in grado di abbinare buone funzionalità di elaborazione 2D e 3D in ambito business ad un elevato livello prestazionale con i game.

Dal punto di vista architetturale, la nuova Radeon X1900 G5 Mac Edition è molto vicina, in accordo al comunicato del produttore di seguito allegato, alla Radeon X1900GT, con cui condivide il numero di unità pixel shader (36), il quantitativo di memoria video (256Mb) e la doppia connettività DVI, che è compatibile con i monitor Cinema HD da 30" di Apple.

Il prezzo indicativo della Radeon X1900 G5 Mac Edition è pari a $349.

SUNNYVALE, CALIF. -- November 6, 2006 --AMD (NYSE: AMD) today announced the ATI Radeon X1900 G5 Mac Edition, a next-generation graphics card that combines workstation-class creative productivity and cutting-edge 3D game performance. The ATI Radeon X1900 G5 Mac Edition represents a high-performance PCI Express graphics upgrade card for the Power Mac G5 Quad and Power Mac G5 Dual. Upgrading to the ATI Radeon X1900 G5 Mac helps pro-application users maximize their creative potential with the powerful PCI Express-based Power Mac G5 Quad and Power Mac G5 Dual.

“Programs like Apple’s Final Cut Studio, Aperture and Motion really come to life with this card,” said Ron Paley, president, Carbon Computing and Carbon Sound & Picture. “Power users will find the ATI Radeon X1900 G5 Mac Edition the ultimate solution for delivering screen real estate for graphics, photo and video editing projects, and professional users will experience strong productivity gains. It’s indispensable for anyone doing graphics-intensive work with a standard quad- or dual-G5 system; and of course, gamers will love it too.”

“The ATI Radeon X1900 G5 Mac is the fastest graphics processor upgrade available for Power Mac G5 Quad and Power Mac G5 Dual systems,” said Rick Bergman, senior vice president and general manager, Graphics Products Group, AMD. “ATI was one of the longest-running continuous supporters of gamers and prosumers on the Mac platform and we expect our focus on their needs to continue now that ATI is a part of AMD.”

At an estimated street price of US $349, the ATI Radeon X1900 G5 Mac is a state-of-the art design with 36 pixel shader processors, 256 MB of video RAM and delivers over 37 gigabytes per second of memory bandwidth. It features two DVI ports that are capable of supporting two 30-inch Apple Cinema HD Displays.

AMD maintains a dedicated engineering team responsible for stand-alone graphics and multimedia solutions for aftermarket sale as well as graphics processor implementations and software for many Apple computer systems including, Mac Pro, iMac, and Xserve MacBook Pro. For more information about AMD’s Mac products, please visit

News Source: AMD Press Release

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