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 English version of About Us article dedicated to is now available
We are pleased to share with our readers that we have published the English version of the "About Us" article. Through this content, we have attempted to present the achievements of and its incredible community, highlighting the key phases and tools that have allowed us to support users and 3dfx graphics cards even many years after the historic...
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 A distanza di 20 anni dall'esordio on line rileggi la storia di
Ebbene si, siamo gią di poco oltre i 20 anni dall'esordio del sito su dominio ufficiale, coincidente con e poi, successivamente, anche con Sono dunque numerose le ere geologiche che, nel corso di questi ultimi 20 anni, si sono susseguite nella dimensione spaziotemporale di Internet e che
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 All official game patches posted by 3dfx are downloadable from
We've just added to's repository the historical whole collection of games patches posted by 3dfx at 3dfxgamers Web site. Of course all these official patches are now downloadable for free from our servers. Enjoy 3dfx cards and feel free to leave comments and ideas in this post. CollegamentiOfficial Game Patches for 3dfx cardsCommenta...
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 Windows 10 runs with a 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 card mounted on PCI-E slot
Microsoft's offer of free upgrade to Windows 10 ended on July 29th but just some days earlier an interesting video arrived on YouTube. This one is able to show off an hardware configuration, equipped also with a 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 video card, while it runs Windows 10 and allows to surf the Web using latest Edge browser. The asset posted by...
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 [ENBOARD]Maintenance and performance optimization: please report issues
We have carried out some tasks of application maintenance and deployed some improvements at back-end level to increase the performances of the english board. So, please leave a message if you can found some (new) issues with the standard browsing. Thanks in advance for feedback and contribution....
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 ProjectX: giocare con Forsaken gratis su Windows, Mac OS X e Linux
Sebbene sia stato rilasciato nel 1998 per PC e PlayStation, lo sviluppo dello shooter 3D Forsaken č sostanzialmente ancora in corso, dal momento che nel 2007 il codice sorgente del game, privo dei contenuti filmati e audio, č stato reso di pubblico dominio, dando vita ben presto al progetto denominato ProjectX. Nell'ambito del quale un...
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 Tutorial & Hardware Review Roundup made by
Cooling Arctic Cooling Fusion 550R PSU Review @ XtremeComputing Apple The Great Futurelooks iPhone 3G Case Round Up @ Futurelooks Motherboards Zotac IONITX-A NVIDIA Ion-Based Motherboard @ Notebook Is it worth upgrading your notebook to an SSD drive? @ TweakTown Video Cards ATI RADEON...
 Continua a leggere Tutorial: Guida all'uso di 3D-Analyze (italiano)
Sul sito č stata pubblicata la guida all'uso di 3D-Analyze, applicativo in grado di emulare con successo alcune feature dell'hardware necessario per la compatibilitą con le versioni recenti delle API DirectX utilizzate dai giochi. Il tutorial, che č stato curato da Stefano Bennati, mostra le principali funzionalitą del tool, fornendo...
 Continua a leggere Tutorial: 3D-Analyze User Guide (english version)
At was posted a tutorial about 3D-Analyze emulation tool. This guide, created by our Stefano Bennati, shows off main application targets and functionalities, giving also general hints to get games running on unsupported video cards. However, specific titles could require additional configuration settings so please give your feedback...
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 Crucial Gizmo! Overdrive 2Gb Review @
The new Crucial Gizmo! Overdrive, based on NAND chips as their predecessors, have declared speeds of 25MB/s in reading and 13MB/s in writing, speeds more than doubled in comparison to the preceding generation and to the greater part of the pen drive in commerce. We posted a article including photos and performance testing of a Crucial Gizmo! Overdrive...
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