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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file Ad-aware SE Personal 1.06
Informazioni e Release Notes del file Ad-aware SE Personal 1.06
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file Ad-aware SE Personal 1.06, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su Ad-aware SE Personal 1.06, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

Disk-scan is approximately 30 % faster
CSI scan is now more efficient
Added "Scan for low risk threats" option, to scan for targets with low TAC index
Ad-Watch CSI engine performance highly improved; using less CPU and Memory
GUI adapted to use the new TAC
Freezing during scan (occurring on some systems) now corrected
Combination of the +silent and +update command line parameters no longer prevents scan completion
The +nodefnotice command line parameter now suppressing "out-of-date"message on preferences window
Ad-Watch TrayIcon tooltip indicating the loaded definition file now refreshed when the definition file is changed or updated in Ad-Aware
Several minor GUI improvements (Ad-Aware, Ad-Watch and Proc-Watch)
The Extension submenu(s) are now disabled if no extensions are installed
Average TAC rating for content detected during scan added to the scan-summary page
Reghance related context menu options in Result and MRU list now updated if status of Reghance installation is modified in the Preferences
"Risk" replaced by "Relevance" on Object-detail window
"Vendor" replaced by "Name" (result, ignore and statistic-lists)
Tooltip for negligible objects now displayed as "MRU"
Items in ignore and scan-result list now coloured according to their risk level (*)
TAC rating added to object details (log file)
TAC rating added to Statistic, Result, and Ignorelist tooltip's
"Remove" button on ignore-list screen now deactivated if no objects are selected
Numeric TAC index shown in the statistic list
Number of Quarantine archives now updated after scan (without opening quarantine tab)
Below/Above normal priority classes now correctly logged during memory scan
"Clear" Button and related context menu option disabled if no statistics have been created
Prefetched files detected during conditional scan now correctly shown in scan log
Leaving focus from tweak window no longer switches text to black for deselected items
Category List extended
Warning message for URLS containing less than 5 characters added to URL editor

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