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Sei in: Home  Componenti  Informazioni e Release Notes del file AMD Catalyst 12.9 beta - Windows Vista, 7, 8 - x86/x64
Informazioni e Release Notes del file AMD Catalyst 12.9 beta - Windows Vista, 7, 8 - x86/x64
Data di pubblicazione: 29 settembre 2012
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file AMD Catalyst 12.9 beta - Windows Vista, 7, 8 - x86/x64, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su AMD Catalyst 12.9 beta - Windows Vista, 7, 8 - x86/x64, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

AMD Catalyst Mobility now includes support for AMD Enduro Technology.

  • AMD Enduro Technology for Notebooks delivers:
    - Long lasting battery life
    - GPU accelerated performance for gaming, video, and compute apps
    - A Seamless and automatic experience
New features found in Catalyst 12.9 Beta:
  • Re-designed Catalyst Control Center user interface
    - View all profiled applications
    - View recently run applications
    - Profile applications based on power source
  • Expert mode control and customization
    - Performance centric AC
    - Battery centric DC
Performance highlights of AMD Catalyst 12.9 Beta (versus AMD Catalyst 12.8)
  • Up to 10% in Lost Planet 2 in single GPU configurations
This release of AMD Catalyst Linux introduces support for the following new operating systems.
  • Ubuntu 12.10 early look support
  • RHEL 6.3 production support
Resolved issue highlights of the AMD Catalyst 12.9 Beta driver
  • Tri and Quad CrossFire+ Eyefinity configurations - Certain DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 applications lower than expected performance
  • FireFox - corruption observed in CrossFire configurations
  • Enabling Overdrive settings increased clocks in all power states
  • Availability of AMD Video Converter support in AMD Catalyst 12.9 Beta Windows 7 and Windows Vista packages

 TAG: amd catalyst 12.9 beta  |  driver  |  enduro  |  linux  |  windowsIndice Tag  
  Driver Successivo   Driver precedente
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