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Sei in: Home  Componenti  Informazioni e Release Notes del file AMD Catalyst 14.6 beta
Informazioni e Release Notes del file AMD Catalyst 14.6 beta
Data di pubblicazione: 29 maggio 2014
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file AMD Catalyst 14.6 beta, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su AMD Catalyst 14.6 beta, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

Feature Highlights of The AMD Catalyst
14.6 Beta Driver for Windows

  • Performance improvements
    • Watch Dogs performance improvements
      • AMD Radeon R9 290X - 1920x1080 4x MSAA – improves up to 25%
      • AMD Radeon R9290X - 2560x1600 4x MSAA – improves up to  28%
      • AMD Radeon R9290X CrossFire configuration (3840x2160 Ultra settings, MSAA = 4X)  - 92% scaling
    • Murdered Soul Suspect performance improvements
      • AMD Radeon R9 290X – 2560x1600 4x MSAA – improves up to 16%
      • AMD Radeon R9290X CrossFire configuration (3840x2160 Ultra settings, MSAA = 4X)  - 93% scaling
  • AMD Eyefinity enhancements:
    • Mixed Resolution Support
      • A new architecture providing brand new capabilities
      • Display groups can be created with monitors of different resolution  (including difference sizes and shapes)
      • Users have a choice of how surface is created over the display group
        1. Fill – legacy mode, best for identical monitors
        2. Fit – create the Eyefinity surface using best available rectangular area with attached displays.
        3. Expand – create a virtual Eyefinity surface using desktops as viewports onto the surface.
    • Eyefinity Display Alignment
      • Enables control over alignment between adjacent monitors
    • One-Click Setup
      • Driver detects layout of extended desktops
        1. Can create Eyefinity display group using this layout in one click!
  • New user controls for video color and display settings
    • Greater control over Video Color Management:
      • Controls have been expanded from a single slider for controlling Boost and Hue to per color axis
    • Color depth control for Digital Flat Panels (available on supported HDMI and DP displays)
      • Allows users to select different color depths per resolution and display
  • AMD Mantle enhancements
    • Mantle now supports AMD Mobile products with Enduro technology
      • Battlefield 4:  AMD Radeon HD 8970M (1366x768; high settings) – 21% gain
      • Thief: AMD Radeon HD 8970M (1920x1080; high settings) – 14% gain
      • Star Swarm:  AMD Radeon HD 8970M (1920x1080; medium settings) – 274% gain
    • Enables support for Multi-GPU configurations with Thief (requires the latest Thief update)
  • AMD AM1 JPEG decoding acceleration
    • JPEG decoding acceleration was first enabled on the A10 APU Series in AMD Catalyst 14.1 beta, and has now been extended to the AMD AM1 Platform
    • Provides fast JPEG decompression
    • Provides Power Efficiency for JPEG decompression

Known Issues 

  • Running Watch Dogs with a R9 280X CrossFire configuration may result in the application running in CrossFire software compositing mode
  • Enabling Temporal SMAA in the AMD Catalyst Control center under a CrossFire configuration when playing Watch Dogs will result in Flickering
  • AMD CrossFire configurations with Eyefinity enabled will see application stability with BattleField 4 or Thief when running Mantle
  • Catalyst Install Manager text is covered by Express/Custom radio button text
  • Express Uninstall does not remove C:\Program Files\(AMD or ATI) folder
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