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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file BitTorrent 7.9.2 build 33876
Informazioni e Release Notes del file BitTorrent 7.9.2 build 33876
Data di pubblicazione: 13 settembre 2014
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file BitTorrent 7.9.2 build 33876, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su BitTorrent 7.9.2 build 33876, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

7.9 is the first version to include a major change in the way that BitTorrent chooses peers in a swarm. Designed by our own Arvid Norberg, Canonical Peer Priority is a way to help peers connect to the swarm faster, as well as reduce the average hop length from you to any other peer in the swarm.

When a bittorrent client joins a swarm, it needs a way to select which peers it connects to. If it chooses poorly, or if there are malicious actors in the swarm, the connections between clients are not well distributed through the swarm, leading to a large number of hops from node to node. That slows down the ability to each client to pass data on to the next.

You can read a more detailed technical discussion of the issues here, along with graphs and figures that drive home how bad the worst case can be. You can read more about graph connectivity here.

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