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Sei in: Home  Componenti  Informazioni e Release Notes del file AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.4.2
Informazioni e Release Notes del file AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.4.2
Data di pubblicazione: 26 aprile 2016
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.4.2, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.4.2, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.4.2 Highlights
  • Updated or New Crossfire Profiles available for:
    • Elite Dangerous
    • Need for Speed
  • AMD Xconnect technology: This driver provides full support for Thunderbolt 3 eGFX enclosures configured with Radeon R9 Fury, Nano or 300 Series GPUs. This driver also provides plug'n'play simplicity, plus an integrated management interface for such devices.(1)
Resolved Issues
  • The Division may experience flickering in AMD Crossfire technology mode.
  • DOTA2 toggling between borderless fullscreen and exclusive fullscreen can sometimes cause flickering or corruption when in AMD Crossfire technology mode.
  • Some DirectX 9 applications cannot disable AMD Crossfire technology mode through Radeon Settings.
  • GPU clocks on some products may remain in high states after recovering from an application crash.
  • A small subset of AMD Radeon R9 380 users may be experiencing slower than expected fan speeds.
  • Power efficiency toggle in Radeon Settings is showing up for some unsupported products.
  • The check for software updates feature in Radeon Settings may not find the latest available update.
  • Some games may fail to show up in Radeon Settings gaming tab.
  • The Radeon Settings option may sometimes disappear as a shortcut from the right-click context menu on desktop after a software upgrade.
  • SteamVR Performance Test may experience flickering in AMD Crossfire technology mode.
  • Stuttering or corruption observed while playing Fallout 4 on some graphics products in AMD Crossfire technology mode.
  • Corruption in Hitman when using AMD Crossfire technology mode.
  • Stuttering or freezing in some loading scenes while playing Hitman using AMD Crossfire technology mode.
  • Negative scaling seen on Hitman when using AMD Crossfire technology mode.
Known Issues
  • A few game titles may fail to launch or crash if the AMD Gaming Evolved overlay is enabled. A temporary workaround is to disable the AMD Gaming Evolved "In Game Overlay".
  • HDMI Scaling options may not be available in Radeon Settings on some system configurations or some applications may ignore the HDMI Scaling options setting.
  • The option to enable/disable AMD Crossfire technology logo may be missing on some system configurations from the Gaming, Global Options tab in Radeon Settings.
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt inventory and character pages may exhibit flickering in AMD Crossfire technology mode.
  • Radeon Settings game manager does not display icons for Origin Games.
  • AMD Radeon Pro Duo users may experience a system crash or hang after resuming from sleep or hibernate.
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