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Sei in: Home  Componenti  Informazioni e Release Notes del file AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition
Informazioni e Release Notes del file AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition
Data di pubblicazione: 17 maggio 2016
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

Radeon Software Crimson Edition Highlights
  • Performance increase by up to 35% on AMD Radeon R9 390 series products in Doom versus Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.5.2(1)
Known Issues
  • A few game titles may fail to launch or crash if the AMD Gaming Evolved overlay is enabled. A temporary workaround is to disable the AMD Gaming Evolved "In Game Overlay".
  • Users in Quad AMD Crossfire technology configurations may be unable to re-enable AMD Crossfire mode when using the global AMD Crossfire option in the "Gaming" tab and toggling it from on to off.
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt inventory and character pages may exhibit flickering in AMD Crossfire technology mode.
  • Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare may exhibit stuttering when using AMD FreeSync technology and AMD Crossfire technology in conjunction.
  • Installing Radeon Software Crimson Edition multiple times on the same machine after rebooting may cause the installer to hang.
  • The AMD Crossfire mode options in Radeon Settings may not take effect on Origin or Uplay applications.
  • Radeon Settings Additional Settings page may not be available when upgrading to Radeon Software Crimson Edition from the current windows update driver. As a work around please clean uninstall all current Radeon Software when upgrading if your system exhibits this issue.
  • Some textures may exhibit flickering in Fallout 4 when using AMD Crossfire technology.
  • Forza Motorsport 6: Apex may exhibit brightness flickering when using AMD FreeSync technology.
  • Frame Rate Target Control gaming profiles may fail to enable for some games.
 TAG: amd  |  doom  |  driver  |  gpu  |  performance  |  radeon software crimson editionIndice Tag  
  Driver Successivo   Driver precedente
 AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.5.3   NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Driver 365.19 WHQL - Windows 10 64-bit 
  Altri driver che ti potrebbero interessare Indice Driver  
 AMD Radeon Software for Linux 24.20.3 
 NVIDIA Linux X64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 570.133.07 
 AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 25.3.1 
 NVIDIA Linux X64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 570.124.04 
 AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 25.2.1 
 AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 25.1.1 
 NVIDIA Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 550.144.03 
 NVIDIA Linux X64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 550.142 
 NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready Driver 566.36 WHQL 
 AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 24.12.1 


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