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Sei in: Home  Componenti  Informazioni e Release Notes del file AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.6.2
Informazioni e Release Notes del file AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.6.2
Data di pubblicazione: 29 giugno 2016
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.6.2, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.6.2, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.6.2 Highlights
  • Support for:
    • Radeon RX 480
  • New AMD Crossfire profile available for:
    • World of Tanks
  • Radeon WattMan: A brand new utility for Radeon Software that allows users more complete control over their graphics processor. More information on Radeon WattMan and its supported products can be found here.
  • AMD Crossfire Toggle: A new option has been introduced into Radeon Settings under the "Gaming -> Global Settings" tab. This allows users to toggle AMD Crossfire support globally "on" for supported games or "off" for all gaming profiles.
  • HDMI Scaling: Radeon Settings now provides the option for the user to adjust their display image scaling on HDMI connected displays. This option is available under the "Display" tab in Radeon Settings for supported configurations.?
  • Display Color Temperature: Radeon Settings now allows a user to set display color temperature based on either the displays predefined settings or manually via a slider configured to support the displays supported range. This option is available under the "Display" tab in Radeon Settings for supported configurations.
  • Desktop Color: Radeon Settings has added the option to launch the operating systems color page via the new "Desktop Color" button which is available in the "Display" tab in Radeon Settings for supported configurations.
  • Vulkan Version: Currently installed Vulkan version information has now been made available through the Radeon Settings "System -> Software" tab.
Fixed Issues
  • Flickering may be observed in AMD Crossfire mode configurations while playing Hitman in select gameplay missions.
  • Flickering may be observed in AMD Crossfire mode configurations while playing Heroes of the Storm.
  • Intermittent or minor white flashing may occur on some web browsers when using Netflix and hovering over the UI or icons.
  • Minor stuttering may occur in AMD Crossfire mode configurations when playing Elite Dangerous.
  • Flickering may be observed in AMD Crossfire mode configurations while using the inventory and character pages in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
  • Flickering may be observed in AMD Crossfire mode configurations during the battle and tutorial loading screens in Star Wars Battlefront.
Known Issues
  • A few game titles may fail to launch or crash if the AMD Gaming Evolved overlay is enabled. A temporary workaround is to disable the AMD Gaming Evolved "In Game Overlay".
  • Radeon Pro Duo may experience a black screen in Total War: Warhammer with the games API set to DirectX 12 and V-Sync enabled.
  • DiRT Rally may experience flickering terrain in some races when the advanced blending option is enabled in the games settings page.
  • Some Overdrive settings may not appear in Radeon Settings for Radeon Fury X when in AMD Crossfire mode.
  • Display may exhibit a minor flicker on Radeon RX 480 when Freesync is enabled on a games launch or exit.
  • Dota2 may crash when using the Vulkan API and the user changes resolutions or quality settings.
  • Battlefield 4 may experience crashes when using Mantle. As a work around users are suggested to switch to DirectX11.
  • Need for Speed may experience flickering on some light sources in AMD Crossfire mode.
  • Hitman may experience graphical corruption when the game is set to use DirectX 12 API and using zoom with weapons.
  • Frame Rate Target Control gaming profiles may fail to enable for some games.
  • Radeon Wattman may retain settings of an overclock after it has failed. If you have failed an overclock with a system hang or reboot make sure to use the "Reset" option in the Radeon WattMan settings page when the system has rebooted.
  • Low frame rate or stutter may be experienced Wolfenstein: The Old Blood on Radeon RX 480.
  • Assassin's Creed Syndicate may experience a game crash or hang when in game settings are set to high or greater.
  • Disabling AMD Crossfire mode on Radeon RX 480 may disable the device in Windows Device Manager. A workaround is to reboot the system to re-enable the device.
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