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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file NVIDIA GeForce Experience
Informazioni e Release Notes del file NVIDIA GeForce Experience
Data di pubblicazione: 9 maggio 2017
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file NVIDIA GeForce Experience, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su NVIDIA GeForce Experience, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

GeForce Experience 3.6.0 Release Highlights

GeForce Experience Overlay

  • Added OpenGL and Vulkan Support
    • Added ability to record video, broadcast, and screenshot capture in fullscreen and windowed mode for OpenGL and Vulkan games. Requires driver 381.65 or above.
  • Streamlined controls for Broadcast and Gallery Upload
    • Consolidated Gallery Upload and Broadcast into one window - removed requirement to select service provider prior to upload screen and added ability to directly log into service provider.
  • Others:
    • Added button to open Windows video folder from within the Gallery.
    • Improved overlay performance at first launch.
    • Improved stability and reliability of GeForce Experience overlay - also addresses bugs associated with Mass Effect: Andromeda and Microsoft Outlook.
    • Fixed case where FPS counter did not work in Shadow Warrior 2 and HDR mode.
    • Fixed case where games running in HDR mode would crash when a screenshot was taken.
    • Fixed case where record would affect in-game FPS on Windows RS2 (requires minimum driver version 381.65).

GeForce Experience Client

  • Installation & Login:
    • Added login support for WeChat and QQ accounts.
    • Release highlights summary displays upon completion of client self-update.
    • Removed User Account Control prompt during self-update for admin users.
    • Improved file cleanup of downloaded GeForce Experience installation files.
  • Game Ready Drivers:
    • Added ability to view Game Ready Driver videos in China.
    • Added UI enhancements for Game Ready Driver notifications.
  • Game Optimization:
    • Improved OPS recommendations for games with both DX11 and DX12 support.
  • Game Code Redemption:
    • Added reminder message to complete reward redemption.
    • Added a badge to identify unredeemed rewards.
  • GameStream to SHIELD:
    • Improved audio quality with increased bit rate for local streaming and optimized audio encoding for low latency performance.
    • Reduced game banding and better quality on static scenes using Pascal GPUs.
    • Fixed issue with enabling multi-controller support when games are launched through Steam Big Picture.
    • Fixed issue with 2nd controller not functioning for Gang Beasts.
    • Improved robustness around game launches.
  • Others:
    • Addressed various stability, performance and security improvements.
    • Improved offline mode (no internet connection) experience.
    • Fixed case where client's full-screen state was not persisting upon re-launch.
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