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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file MSI Afterburner 4.4.0 beta 10
Informazioni e Release Notes del file MSI Afterburner 4.4.0 beta 10
Data di pubblicazione: 20 giugno 2017
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file MSI Afterburner 4.4.0 beta 10, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su MSI Afterburner 4.4.0 beta 10, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

  • Added core voltage control for reference design NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 series graphics cards
  • Added core voltage control for reference design NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN Xp series graphics cards
  • Added core voltage control for reference design NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti series graphics cards
  • Revamped voltage control layer gives additional freedom to extreme overclockers with new custom design MSI graphics cards with Quad Overvoltage™ technology support. Now MSI Afterburner is able to control up to 4 independent voltages on future custom design MSI graphics cards
  • Improved 5-channel thermal monitoring module architecture provides support for up to 20 independent thermal sensors per GPU (up to 5 independent GPU, up to 5 independent PCB, up to 5 independent memory and up to 5 independent VRM temperature sensors) on future custom design MSI graphics cards
  • Added NCT7802Y thermal sensors support to provide compatibility with future custom design MSI graphics cards
  • Improved hardware database format. New database subsections support provides more compact database definition for multiple graphics card models sharing similar hardware calibration info
  • New cached I2C device detection algorithm improves application startup time on the systems with multichannel voltage controllers or multichannel thermal sensors
  • Added experimental interleaved hardware polling mode, aimed to reduce hardware polling time on the systems with multiple polled I2C devices. When interleaved polling is enabled, just a part of hardware monitoring data sources is being polled on each hardware polling period, so it takes multiple periods to refresh all monitoring data sources. Power users may enable interleaved hardware polling mode via the configuration file if necessary
  • Improved third party voltage control mode functionality. Now third party hardware database can also include extended thermal sensors calibration and mapping info for third party custom design graphics cards
  • Improved voltage/frequency curve editor for GPU Boost 3.0 capable NVIDIA graphics cards: o Toggling locked curve point state with key is working properly now and no longer resulting in setting a lock to a minimum clock/frequency point o Now you may hold key while adjusting the offset of any point with mouse to move the curve up/down. That’s equal to adding fixed offset to each point’s offset
  • Various parts of hardware monitoring module have been pumped up to improve hardware monitoring usability and flexibility. Some new portions of old good functionality from original RivaTuner are now available in MSI Afterburner: o Added experimental clock monitoring for Intel CPUs o Added new "Benchmark" tab allowing you to use hidden RivaTuner Statistics Server’s benchmarking engine, which was previously available to reviewers only. The engine is providing you the following features:
  • You may define a hotkey for beginning framerate statistics recording. Once the recording begun, it stays active for all subsequently started 3D applications, even after rebooting the system
  • While recording is active you may enable showing own statistics in RivaTuner Statistics Server to see minimum, average and maximum framerate in the On-Screen Display
  • While recording is active you may press "Begin recording" hotkey one more time to restart the recording and reset the statistics
  • While recording is active you may press "End recording" hotkey once to end recording and save benchmark results to a text file, but keep the results shown in On-Screen Display. You may press the hotkey one more time to hide the results from the On-Screen Display
  • Statistics saved to a benchmark results file includes per-application total benchmarking time, total rendered frames number, global average, instantaneous minimum and instantaneous maximum framerates. Benchmark statistics file can be optionally either overwritten or appended on each recording session
  • Per-frame frametime statistics is being pushed to a named pipe so reviewers can use their own client software to collect and display it in realtime while any benchmark is running without system slowdown, which is typical for traditional per-frame frametime logging approach o New flexible On-Screen Display customization features powered by RivaTuner Statistics Server’s text formatting tags:
  • Added On-Screen Display layouts support. Layout selection settings are located in "Monitoring" tab next to "Show in On-Screen Display", you may select different layouts to change On-Screen Display appearance style. Now you may switch between traditional classic On-Screen Display layout or new modern column-oriented On-Screen Display layout. Power users may customize predefined layouts or create new ones via configuration file if necessary
  • The maximum text length for "Override group name" setting is no longer limited by 8 symbols. Now you may embed new RivaTuner Statistics Server’s text formatting tags directly into your custom group name, e.g. GTX 1080 to display it in On-Screen Display in white color and with 50% size subscript index ? Now it is allowed to override group names for "Framerate" and "Frametime" graphs, so you may append default application 3D API tag with some custom text or replace it completely if necessary
  • Exactly the same flexible level of On-Screen Display customization output is available to any other RivaTuner Statistics Server client applications like AIDA, HwInfo and others and will be available shortly o Improved profiles architecture. Now MSI Afterburner can store hardware monitoring module settings in the profile slots. This allows you to switch between different On-Screen Display configurations on the fly with hotkeys bound to profile slots. You may configure desired profile slot contents in new "Profile contents" settings group in "Profiles" tab. o Original RivaTuner’s task scheduler functionality is back! Now you may define optional minimum and (or) maximum thresholds for any graph in hardware monitor module to track the most critical hardware health parameters and to be notified on reaching a critical threshold:
  • User defined thresholds are displayed on each graph to allow you to control each parameter safety zone visually
  • When the threshold is reached blinking warning icon is displayed in top left corner of monitoring window and in Logitech keyboard LCD if graph LCD display mode is selected
  • When the threshold is reached you can see the name of graph triggering the alarm in hardware monitoring status line
  • When the threshold is reached background of graph triggering the alarm is highlighted with color to allow you to identify it visually
  • When modern On-Screen Display layout is selected, parameters triggering the alarm can be highlighted by color in On-Screen Display to allow you to identify it easily
  • Improved system information window. Now 3D API usage info, x64 and UWP application architecture attributes are displayed for each currently running process in the list of active 3D applications
  • RivaTuner Statistics Server has been upgraded to v7.0.0
 TAG: gpu  |  msi  |  overclocking  |  rivatuner  |  tweaker  |  utility  |  video cardIndice Tag  
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