Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file GoodSync, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su GoodSync, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file. |
* GSTP: Implemented One Time Passwords (OTP) and Client DeviceId.
* GSTP: You can turn on OTP in https://www.goodsync.com/gs-connect/user-account
* GSTP: Prefer Emails as UserIds, they are also used in One Time Password auth.
* When OTP is On, you will receive Email with OTP every time you use a new Device.
GoodSync client will request One Time Password sent in Email.
* GSTP: OTP is requested when doing GoodSync Connect Setup and Browse dialog.
* GSTP: Each client/server now sends DeviceId, ComputerId, and Device Description.
* GSTP: Both email and old-style GS Connect UserId may be used to authenticate.
* GSTP: New Account Form: Add ReCaptcha to filter out robots.
* Official Forwarders: use Forwarder IP name, not IP address, to please security.
* Official Forwarders: use port 443, not 80 for SSL comms, to please security.
* Receiver: Fix incorrect reporting of connections to Official forwarders.
* OTP + gs-server: allow OTP in /set-admin=user_id:password[/otp-value]:sys_user:[sys_pass]
* OTP + gsync: allow OTP in new command line options /can-otpN=yes, /otpN=string.
* Cleanup Logs: Avoid recursive cycling via symlinks, by limiting number of folder levels to 50.
* GSTP progress: show progress when is being added to at the tail.
* Enterprise Policies: fix non-enforcement of NoAutoUpdate policy.
* Runner Setup: If Runner Service user and this Windows user differ, issue warning.
* Runner: Change gs-server settings on a cue from CC only if Runner is elevated.
* Azure: fix space and # encoding issues that could cause Not Found for files and folders.
* Google Drive: Fix Not Found error, that usually occurs on lock.gsl.