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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file NVIDIA GeForce Experience
Informazioni e Release Notes del file NVIDIA GeForce Experience
Data di pubblicazione: 9 gennaio 2018
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file NVIDIA GeForce Experience, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su NVIDIA GeForce Experience, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

GeForce Experience 3.12.0 Release Highlights

Customize your gameplay with Freestyle Game Filters (beta feature)

  • Now you can apply post-processing filters to your games while you play. Change the look and mood of your game with tweaks to color or saturation, or apply dramatic post-process filters like HDR right from our in-game overlay. To use Game Filters, check "Enable Experimental Features" in Settings, update to the latest driver (release 390 and above), and press [Alt+F3] from one of over 100 supported games.

Take beautiful game photos with our improved Ansel Photo Mode (beta feature)

  • We've added powerful photo-editing capabilities with 7 new filters, 18 different controls, and the ability to combine filters together for advanced effects. To use Photo Mode, check "Enable Experimental Features" in Settings, update to the latest driver (release 390 and above), and press [Alt+F2] from one of over 30 supported Ansel games.

Capture your best moments in Fortnite Battle Royale with ShadowPlay Highlights

  • We're happy to announce ShadowPlay Highlights support for Fortnite Battle Royale. GeForce Experience automatically captures your best moments and presents your best Highlights to share with your friends.

Record videos and take screenshots of Microsoft Windows Games

  • We've added UWP support to ShadowPlay, which means you can now record videos and capture screenshots from games purchased from the Microsoft Windows Store. Fire up games like Need for Speed Payback and start capturing your favorite moments.

Improvements to GameStream

  • We've provided a workaround to enable HDR support for Middle-earth: Shadow of War, Forza Motorsport 7, and Call of Duty: WW II. Visit the GeForce Forums for further instructions.
  • We've added a troubleshooting link in Settings > SHIELD if you have issues connecting to your SHIELD. We’ve also improved reliability and stability of our GameStream feature.

Squashed bugs!

  • Fixed a bug with the trim feature in the ShadowPlay Highlights summary screen.
  • Fixed an installation error caused by the SHIELD wireless controller installer.
  • Fixed a GameStream audio issue with Stream for Call of Duty: WWII.
  • Fixed an issue where DPI scaling would impact the in-game overlay.
  • Fixed an issue where FPS counter would appear in the application Wallpaper Engine.
  • Fixed an issue where Shadowplay would record video with left/right images even though stereo option was disabled.
  • Fixed an issue of image flickering on the in-game overlay.
  • Fixed an issue where new users were not able to log in.
  • Addressed various stability and performance issues.
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