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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file OCZ SSD Utility 4.0.0012
Informazioni e Release Notes del file OCZ SSD Utility 4.0.0012
Data di pubblicazione: 30 giugno 2020
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file OCZ SSD Utility 4.0.0012, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su OCZ SSD Utility 4.0.0012, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

  • Installation directory changed from Toshiba Memory Corporation to KIOXIA Corporation
  • Bug fixes and reliability enhancements
  • Minor updates to the EULA contents and the EULA is no longer saved in the installation folder
Known Issues
  • On Windows 8.1 the RC100 is not supported.
  • On Windows 8.1 when the RD400 is in use and its "Health" is less than 0%, a message "Value not available" will be displayed. This means you need to replace your SSD as soon as possible.
  • TL100 benchmark results may degrade if re-run immediately after a previous benchmark. Workaround is to wait a minute or two before re-running the benchmark.
  • On some PCs it is impossible to perform secure-erase: this happens if the PC BIOS issues SECURITY FREEZE LOCK the drive, and does not implement the suspend/resume cycle used to unfreeze it. Workaround is to use the secure erase feature in the BIOS if there is one, otherwise to perform secure erase on another PC.
  • On some laptops with dual Intel® & NVIDIA® graphics, SSD Utility may crash. This can be fixed by updating the Intel & NVIDIA drivers.
  • The mouse cursor is not displayed when using Bootable SSD Utility with a DisplayPort™ connection with a GeForce® 1070. Workaround is to boot in safe mode.
  • Due to a bug in version 2.2.2645, when using the update feature from within the application, the update may fail with a message “Error installing.” Workaround is to download manually the latest version from
  • Secure Erase will produce an error if the target drive is in use (for example, drive is being read or written to).
  • The text on the Setup - Notifications pane “Suppress unsafe power loss alerts” is not clickable unlike other text in this area.
  • In a rare corner case, the password hint may become corrupted. While the password hint is corrupted, the password remains, and the XS700 can be locked/unlocked.
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