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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file OBS Studio 26.1
Informazioni e Release Notes del file OBS Studio 26.1
Data di pubblicazione: 16 dicembre 2020
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file OBS Studio 26.1, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su OBS Studio 26.1, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

New Features and Additions
  • Added Virtual Camera output on macOS [johnboiles/PatTheMav]
  • Added Virtual Camera output on Linux (requires v4l2loopback-dkms) [catxfish/cg2121]
  • Added the ability to use a separate audio track for the VOD when using Twitch [Jim]
    • If using Simple output mode, enable "Enable Advanced Encoder Settings", and enable "Twitch VOD Track (Uses Track 2)". Twitch VOD output will then be on audio track 2
    • If using Advanced output mode in the Streaming tab, enable "Twitch VOD Track" and select the track you'd like to use for it
    • Special thanks to Twitch for assisting during the development of this feature
  • Added OpenBSD support [grayed]
  • Added the ability to ingest captions coming from Decklink devices via "Decklink Captions" from the Tools menu [DDRBoxman]
  • Added hardware decoding options for stinger transitions [WizardCM]
  • Added an option to duplicate filters in the right-click context menu of filters [exeldro]
  • Added ability to copy and paste a single filter between sources [cg2121]
  • Added HLS support and ingests for YouTube [ushadow]
  • Added a Replay buffer save event to the frontend API [hgonomeg]
  • Updated dependencies on Windows and macOS (such as x264 and Qt) to their latest versions for the latest performance improvements [Jim]
  • On Linux, the program will now detect other instances that are currently running and warn the user about running more than one copies at a time [clockley]
  • When creating a new profile, you will be now be given the option to run the auto-configuration wizard [JohannMG]
  • Changed the “Enforce Streaming Service Bitrate†to “Ignore streaming service setting recommendationsâ€, moved it to the Streaming section of the Settings window, and made it so it now affects both Simple and Advanced output modes. [Jim]
  • Maximum limitations for streaming services are now shown in the Streaming section of the Settings window [Jim]
  • Streaming services may now apply resolution and framerate limits on streams to their services [Jim]
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where the "Save Replay" button would stay highlighted after being clicked [offthegrid-mike]
  • Fixed a bug where the Media source would have unusual lag playing back certain media files (particularly WMV files) [Jim]
  • Fixed an issue where Facebook streaming would allow you to select resolutions/framerates that aren't supported [Jim]
  • Fixed certain connection issues with SRT/mpegts [pkviet]
  • Fixed a bug where you could disable the Replay Buffer even if it was currently active [Scrxtchy]
  • Fixed a bug where renaming a source would not return keyboard/mouse focus back to the list [jberenhaus]
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Paste Filters’ on sources didn't work in all situations [WizardCM]
  • Fixed an issue where Virtual Camera & Source Toolbar hotkeys would be duplicated when switching profiles [WizardCM]
  • Fixed an issue with removing signal handlers in Lua [Scrxtchy]
  • Fixed a potential hang when repeatedly selecting and deselecting display capture sources on Windows [exeldro]
  • Fixed an issue where the replay buffer could use settings from CQP mode in CBR mode [R1CH]
  • Fixed an issue where certain recordings could not be remuxed (typically from the QSV encoder) [R1CH]
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