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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file Blender 2.93.6
Informazioni e Release Notes del file Blender 2.93.6
Data di pubblicazione: 19 novembre 2021
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file Blender 2.93.6, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su Blender 2.93.6, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

  • Failed assert when dragging object data-block into 3D View. [T87703]
  • Can't duplicate or copy (Ctrl-C) object from linked file. [T90840]
  • arm64: Viewport and Timeline jump large distances when scrolling the pointer off screen using Shift-Middle Mouse. [T88386]
  • Cycles render artefacts with motion blur turned on. [T91728]
  • VSE: Implement sanity check for files with more channels than supported. [rBaaa85ad2e0f]
  • Some Editors (e.g. Outliner) can be synced with animation editor ('Sync visible Range'). [T91237]
  • Crash in sculpt mode using “Smooth” brush and tab with tablet stylus. [T89164]
  • [GPUOffscreen] draw_view3d doesn't apply color management settings. [T84227]
  • Cycles – Rendering on a Nvidia A100 crashes/fails on Google Colab. [T91879]
  • Fix LLVM 12 symbol conflict with Mesa drivers, after recent Linux libs update. [rBd3f04702890]
  • GPencil: Memory leak removing stroke from python. [T92185]
  • Camera BG jitter offset (regression). [T91398]
  • EEVEE: Specular BSDF incompatible with Shader to RGB when SSR is active. [T88766]
  • Fix missing null-terminator in BLI_string_join_arrayN. [rB554b1b1663a]
  • Blender crashes after selecting any object in outliner hierarchy (using statistics overlay). [T92246]
  • Auto naming of the Vertex Group doesn't work for Grease Pencil. [T92314]
  • Clicking in Library Overrides Outliner triggers crash in this file. [T92265]
  • Crash to desktop with boolean modifier. [T90818]
  • Crash when calling delete to an empty space with an unselected layer in the outliner. [T91411]
  • Remesh-bug.crash. [T92355]
  • 2.93: Crash on system with a non-English locale. [T88877]
  • Blender LTS: Maintenance Task 2.93. [T88449]
  • Image Editor doesn't display stereoscopic images. [T92608]
  • LibOverride: Fix crash in ShapeKeys when making a mesh override local. [rB9a290dd657]
  • Fix missing proper 'make local' call for liboverrides from outliner. [rB9a80455d8774d6b]
  • Appending crashes. [T89516]
  • Bones in transformed armatures (rotation and scale) don't scale properly to cursor. [T92515]
  • Blender 3.0 – Planar Track – Only half of the image appears in the MovieClip Editor. [T92807]
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