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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file JPEGView 1.1.42
Informazioni e Release Notes del file JPEGView 1.1.42
Data di pubblicazione: 27 gennaio 2023
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file JPEGView 1.1.42, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su JPEGView 1.1.42, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

New features:
- JPEG XL support, with animation
(NOTE: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime vcruntime140.dll required when opening
JPEG XL files. Most Windows 10+ systems have this installed already.
Otherwise, download it for free from Microsoft.)
PR #99, thanks qbnu (GH
- Add a new command "Hide window title bar"
Default shortcut key: "SHIFT+F11"
This toggles JPEGView window to show or hide title bar.
NOTE: in this mode, you cannot resize the window (although full screen is still supported)
- Add a new mouse gesture to move the JPEGView window at any time: ALT+LeftClick
This allows moving the window without directly clicking on the title bar (or if title bar is hidden).
- Add a new command "Always on Top"
Default shortcut key: "SHIFT+F12"
This toggles the JPEGView window to display above all other windows, even when not in focus
- Add new command "Copy file path"
Default shortcut key: "CTRL+SHIFT+C"
This copies file path of the image to clipboard
PR #62, thanks Trevor Kropp (GH
Changed behavior:
- Animated formats: frame durations <= 10ms are set to 100ms
(Matches behavior of most web browers)
PR #108, thanks qbnu (GH
Other changes:
- New INI file setting: "ShowFullPathInTitle"
Show full file path and name in the window title
(shows only file name by default)
- New INI file setting: "DefaultSelectionMode"
Allows for disabling the default selection mode behavior when clicking on an image in JPEGView.
Set to false to use selection mode only when CTRL is pressed, to prevent unintended cropping/zooming.
(CTRL+LeftClick always results in selection, regardless of image zoom)
- New KeyMap.txt entry to allow a keybind for IDM_CHANGESIZE
This allows binding a key to the "Transform image > Change size..." popup dialog
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