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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file Rufus 4.5 beta
Informazioni e Release Notes del file Rufus 4.5 beta
Data di pubblicazione: 8 maggio 2024
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  • Add a new advanced option, that adds runtime UEFI media validation to suitable images (Windows, most Linux)
  • Move the 'Use Rufus MBR' advanced option to a cheat mode (Alt-A)
  • Fix truncation of VHDX images, as well as a benign error message when writing VHD/VHDX
  • Fix support for Linux persistence in some configurations (Mint, Ubuntu 24.04)
  • Fix multiple potential vulnerabilities (with thanks to Mansour Gashasbi)
  • Update internal GRUB to version 2.12
  • Update UEFI:NTFS to latest (now always uses the ntfs-3g driver, rather than the buggy AMI NTFS one)
  • Increase buffer size when copying ISO files, in an attempt to minimize the AMI NTFS UEFI driver bug
  • Improve partition creation handling
  • Don't display the WUE dialog when a conflicting 'unattend.xml' already exists

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