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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file Notepad++ 8.6.6 [Portable]
Informazioni e Release Notes del file Notepad++ 8.6.6 [Portable]
Data di pubblicazione: 10 maggio 2024
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  • Update to scintilla 5.5.0 & Lexilla 5.3.2. (Merge #15042)
  • Fix crash when crossing the 2GB file size threshold. (Fix #14944, #14981)
  • Fix a performance issue due to URL recognition. (Fix #13916)
  • Update to nlohman json 3.11.3. (Merge #15041)
  • Fix multi-edit resists escape after typing issue. (Fix #14649)
  • Make F3 & Shift-F3 work in Find Replace dialog. (Fix #2138)
  • Allow Ctrl-TAB to switch tabs in FindReplace, PluginAdmin and UDL dialogs. (Fix #7932, #14975)
  • Add programming language support for Go & Raku(Perl 6). (Fix #8090, #4465)
  • Fix user defined auto-insert not working issue. (Fix #3171, #8063, #12547, #14831)
  • Enhance GUI: resize checkboxes/radio buttons as text length needs. (Fix #15006)
  • Enhance GUI: make sizing arrows more coherent in Find dialog. (Fix #15099)
  • Fix URL enclosed in apostrophes or backtick not working issue. (Fix #14978, #14323, #14212)
  • Fix wrong dropped file view issue. (Fix #14951)
  • Fix Korean(?)/English(?) key not working regression. (Fix #14400, #14973)
  • Fix the tab labels of some dialogs being cut in Dark mode. (Fix #11012)
  • Fix close button disappeared issue in Find Replace dialog. (Fix #14940)
  • Apply dark theme to checkbox buttons on Windows 11. (Fix #14929)
  • Fix menu bar cluttered in Dark Mode issue. (Fix #10130)
  • Fix Debug Info minor display regression. (Fix #14921)
  • Enhance Lua language syntax highlighting. (Fix #7615, #15081)
  • Improve the function list support for Ada. (Fix #14908, #14687, #14498)

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