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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file FastStone Capture 10.5 [Portable]
Informazioni e Release Notes del file FastStone Capture 10.5 [Portable]
Data di pubblicazione: 24 maggio 2024
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Added "Pin to Screen".

This feature allows you to pin and annotate screenshots on top of other windows, like sticky notes. Benefits include:

  • Reference Convenience: If you're working on a task that requires you to refer back to a screenshot frequently, having it pinned on your screen could save you from switching windows or applications constantly.
  • Efficient Comparisons: When you need to compare data between applications, pinning a screenshot can make it easier to view both sets simultaneously without needing a second monitor.
  • Visual Reminders: Pinned captures can serve as visual reminders for tasks that need to be completed, or information that needs attention, reducing the chance of forgetting important details.
  • Added "Capture Text".
    Instead of manually typing text from a screenshot, this feature can extract the text and make it editable instantly, saving time and effort. It requires Windows 10/11.
  • Made other improvements and bug fixes

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