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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file MiTeC System Information X 5.1.0
Informazioni e Release Notes del file MiTeC System Information X 5.1.0
Data di pubblicazione: 6 ottobre 2024
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+ TMiTeC_SMBIOS - SMBIOS 3.8 compliance
+ TMiTeC_Disk - Volume label for mapped drives
+ Process desktop detection added (TProcessRecord.Desktop)
+ TMiTeC_Security - added AntiVirus detection on Windows servers
+ TMiTeC_BT - added Bluetooth radio detection
* TMiTeC_EventLog - fixed EventType evaluation in new api (WinEvt)
+ TMiTeC_EventLog - TEventType and TLogRecord was enhanced
+ TSysProcMonThread - UseSynchronize property added
* TMiTeC_Storage - partition detection fixed and GPT partition property Name added

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