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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file KeePass Password Safe 2.57.1 [Portable]
Informazioni e Release Notes del file KeePass Password Safe 2.57.1 [Portable]
Data di pubblicazione: 8 ottobre 2024
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Changes from 2.57 to 2.57.1:
  • Added options 'Show confirmation dialog when running/opening a cmd:// URI', 'Show confirmation dialog when evaluating/replacing a {CMD:...} placeholder' and 'Show confirmation dialog when evaluating/replacing a {REF:P@...} placeholder (action)' (in 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> tab 'Interface (1)', turned on by default).
  • Added option 'Follow redirects' on the 'Advanced' tab page of the 'Open From URL' dialog.
  • When an exception occurs while creating/compiling a PLGX file, streams/readers/writers are now closed immediately.
  • When an exception occurs while a plugin performs a certain web request, streams/readers are now closed immediately.
  • Refactored code related to streams, import modules, menu/toolbar renderers and registry accesses.
  • Removed import module.
  • Minor other improvements.

 TAG: account  |  cybersecurity  |  password manager  |  protezione  |  security  |  sicurezza  |  utenza  |  utilityIndice Tag  
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