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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file FastStone Capture 10.8 [Portable]
Informazioni e Release Notes del file FastStone Capture 10.8 [Portable]
Data di pubblicazione: 12 ottobre 2024
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  • Enhanced "Pin to Screen"
    • Added "Text Box" in Draw Mode
    • Added "Press Spacebar to" (Hide at Top, Actual Size, Draw Mode) to Options
    • Added "Send to Editor" (Current Image, All Images) to right-click menu
    • You can now hold the Ctrl key and drag your mouse along the borders to quickly expand or shrink the image canvas
  • Added "Copy to Clipboard" to "Combine" tool preview
  • Added "Sharp YUV (Slower but higher quality)" option to WebP format
  • Other improvements and bug fixes

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