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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file Winamp 5 Full 5.36 Build 1500 beta
Informazioni e Release Notes del file Winamp 5 Full 5.36 Build 1500 beta
Data di pubblicazione: 23 agosto 2007
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* Improved: Current translation support of core strings and dialogs
* Improved: Correct theming of tabbed dialogs on WinXP+
* Improved: Various misc tweaks/improvements
* Fixed: More tabbing fixes in UI and Preferences
* Fixed: [in_cdda] CDDB crash with non-English characters in user path
* Fixed: [in_cdda] Gapless playback of mix CDs with Sonic Engine
* Fixed: [in_flac] Genre field truncated in Flac Editor
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Incompatibility with musicbrainz tags
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Long stream urls truncated in Alt+3 dialog
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Tracklength not showing for mp3's with large embedded coverart
* Fixed: [in_mp4] MP4 file parsing buffer overflow vulnerability
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] Cancel button in Vorbis Editor
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] Tabbing in Vorbis Editor
* Fixed: [in_wm] Artist and Title fields reversed in WMA Editor
* Fixed: [in_wm] Crash when attempting to play malformed ASX playlists
* Fixed: [ml_local] NOTHAS and != with empty fields
* Fixed: [ml_wire] (4294967295%) in sc wire downloads
* Fixed: [ml_wire] Podcast downloading bug (uninitialized variable error)
* Fixed: [pmp_p4s] Crash on sync/transfers
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] Jump To File Extra v0.99.1b

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