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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file VirtualDub 1.6.2 - Cpu a 32 bit
Informazioni e Release Notes del file VirtualDub 1.6.2 - Cpu a 32 bit
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file VirtualDub 1.6.2 - Cpu a 32 bit, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su VirtualDub 1.6.2 - Cpu a 32 bit, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

[features added]
* Capture: DirectShow driver now supports audio passthrough (Audio > Enable Audio Playback) for devices with integrated audio capture.
* Capture: DirectShow driver supports capture from sound cards.
* Capture: Reduced graph rebuilding in DirectShow driver for better performance.
* Capture: Video/audio source and audio input selection is now supported.
* Capture: More settings are automatically saved or savable through Device > Device settings.
* Capture: Noise reduction, field swap, and luma squish can be toggled during capture.
* Improved asynchronous file write code for better performance and smoother timing in capture.
[bugs fixed] * Capture: Adjusted audio resampling timing for better accuracy.
* Capture: Fixed intermittent crash when audio resampling rate goes very high.
* Capture: Fixed erratic resampling and display when capturing with audio compression and with audio peak meter displayed.
* Capture: VFW driver now suppresses default preview display when display acceleration is active.
* Capture: Fixed crash when exiting capture mode with video histogram enabled.
* Capture: DirectShow driver did not stretch display window properly.
* Capture: DirectShow driver now supports the "set custom format" command.
* Capture: DirectShow driver now works with stop preferences.
* Capture: Disabled normal nice-in-background behavior for accelerated display.
* Capture: Added workaround for process hang with WDM drivers that need their video port pins rendered.
* Capture: Histogram was broken for UYVY format video.
[regressions fixed] * Fixed crash when decompressing compressed audio with timeline edits. * Fixed 'movi' chunk error on append.
* B-frame support was broken.
* Fixed crash when adjusting crop parameters for a filter without a video loaded.
* Fixed some update problems in the clipping control.
* Capture: Multi-segment capture wasn't working for the third segment and beyond.
* Capture: Fixed crash when changing video format through capture driver dialog while preview acceleration is active.
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