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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file WinZip 12.1 build 8497
Informazioni e Release Notes del file WinZip 12.1 build 8497
Data di pubblicazione: 14 maggio 2009
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file WinZip 12.1 build 8497, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su WinZip 12.1 build 8497, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

What's New in WinZip 12.1?

WinZip 12.1, released in May 2009, introduces the new extended Zip file (.zipx), the next step in the evolution of the Zip file format. Additionally, the Zip and E-Mail functions have been enhanced to in WinZip 12.1 to allow users to take advantage of the image resize feature in WinZip.

  • Introduction of the new .zipx file extension. By using advanced compression methods to create Zipx files, WinZip 12.1 creates WinZip's smallest Zip files to date.
  • Ability to resize images being sent during Zip and E-Mail functions. Users can quickly and easily resize images during the zip operation without altering the original in any way.

Best of all, if you're a registered user of any previous version of WinZip, you can upgrade to WinZip 12.1 for 50% off the regular list price by visiting our Upgrade Page.

If you are a registered user of WinZip 12, you can receive the WinZip 12.1 update free. Just download the update at:

Zipx Files Deliver Advanced Compression

.Zipx files

WinZip 12.1 introduces the new extended Zip file (.zipx), the next step in the evolution of the Zip file format. By using the most recent compression methods to create .Zipx files, WinZip 12.1 creates WinZip's smallest Zip files to date. The new .zipx file extension also makes it easier to share highly compressed files with others by making it clear that the file was created using an advanced compression method and that WinZip 12.1 or another compatible compression utility is required to open the file. Of course users can also still create “Legacy Zip 2.0” compressed files with WinZip 12.1 (resulting in a .zip file extension) by changing the compression method on a case by case basis or by changing the default compression method.

Photo Compression, Management and Sharing

Resize images on the fly

Additionally, the Zip and E-Mail functions have been enhanced in WinZip 12.1 to allow users to take advantage of the image resize feature in WinZip. Users can quickly and easily resize images in a zipped attachment without altering the original in any way. Resizing images is useful when the recipient does not need the full quality or size of the original. Resizing images before compressing them can substantially reduce the attachment size, reduce upload and download times for your e-mails, and help ensure that you don’t exceed e-mail attachment size limitations.

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