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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file MP3 Quality Modifier 1.1
Informazioni e Release Notes del file MP3 Quality Modifier 1.1
Data di pubblicazione: 16 agosto 2009
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added: complete and more correct retaining of ID3 tags (now also special characters, album pictures, seperated handling of v1.x & v2.3 tags and much more)

added: recursive loading (includes subfolders)

added: option to automatically shutdown after process

added: more checks for corrupt files

added: abort loading with Esc

added: option to exit after process

changed: internal optimizations: 4-8 times faster loading of files, process about 5% faster and 17 KB smaller executable

changed: validate files only if needed (and checked)

changed: improved info texts

changed: other small things

fixed: rare errors with loading and handling files

fixed: not possible to use on older windows 9.x systems

fixed: progress window: sometimes over 100%, taskbar text didn't update, text flickering

fixed: statusbar text while loading

fixed: spelling mistake

 TAG: mp3  |  mp3 quality modifier  |  qualitàIndice Tag  
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