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Sei in: Home  Componenti  Informazioni e Release Notes del file ATI Catalyst 9.11 - Windows XP/MCE - 32bit
Informazioni e Release Notes del file ATI Catalyst 9.11 - Windows XP/MCE - 32bit
Data di pubblicazione: 18 novembre 2009
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file ATI Catalyst 9.11 - Windows XP/MCE - 32bit, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su ATI Catalyst 9.11 - Windows XP/MCE - 32bit, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

ATI Catalyst Release Note Version 9.11 4

Note: When installing the Catalyst Vista driver for Windows Vista and Windows 7, the user must be logged on as Administrator or have Administrator rights in order to successfully complete the installation

of the Catalyst Vista driver.

New Features

This section provides information on new features found in this release of the Radeon Display Driver. These include the following:

  • GPU Acceleration of H.264 video content using Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Beta

  • High Quality downscaling for video transcoding MSE

GPU Acceleration of H.264 video content using Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Beta

This release of ATI Catalyst supports the new Hardware Acceleration features of

Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Beta for video encoded in the H.264 format. Adobe Flash Player

10.1 Beta introduces hardware-based H.264 video decoding to deliver smooth video

playback, reduce system resource utilization, and preserve battery life. Adobe Flash

Player 10.1 Beta is expected to be available for download from Adobe Labs

( before the end of the year. This feature is supported on the ATI Radeon

HD 5800, ATI Radeon HD 5700 and ATI Radeon HD 4000 Series of products.

High Quality downscaling for video transcoding MSE

This release of ATI Catalyst includes an enhancement for the ATI Video converter for

users transcoding high quality interlaced content (1920x1080i @60i videos) down to

small resolution progressive content (320x240 @30p - iPod videos as an example), by

maintaining high visual quality when down-scaling by a significant amount and

converting interlaced video content to progressive.

Resolved Issues for All Windows Operating Systems

This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst

Software Suite for Windows. These include:

  • Now able to enable and disable CrossFire when three displays are configured in extended mode

  • Catalyst Control Center no longer stops responding when setting Eyefinity SLS (Single Large Surface) mode for extended HDMI display

Resolved Issues for the Windows 7 Operating System

ATI Catalyst Release Note Version 9.11 5

This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst

Software Suite for Windows 7. These include:

  • calMemCopy() no longer causes some systems with 2 ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 to become unresponsive

  • Resolved, high bit rate audio from Blu-ray discs might not output when using PowerDVD 10

  • World in Conflict (DX10) no longer exhibits corruption when exiting from multiplayer game with extended desktop

  • resolved Tom Clancy's HAWX (in DX9 and DX10) no audio output during game play on some systems

  • Choppy video and audio no longer occurs when more than one digital audio source is enabled

  • Wolfenstein no longer stops responding when running in display mode of 2560 x 1600

  • Resolved WinDVD Blu-ray playback will not start until application has been minimized and restored WinDVD application now repaints and no longer remain on screen

  • Resolved display driver incompatibility with Resident Evil 5 Japanese release

  • Desktop is no longer cut short when 720P 60Hz HDTV custom mode is added in Windows 7 for some ASICs

Resolved Issues for the Windows Vista Operating System

This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst

Software Suite for Windows Vista. These include:

  • ANNO 1404 (also known as "Dawn of Discovery") no longer displays black texture corruption instead of surface terrain for some ASICs

  • A green line at the bottom when playing some interlaced content no longer occurs

  • Age of Conan no longer shows flashing corruption when played under CrossFire with medium or high settings

  • Video corruption no longer occurs when playing some H.264 video files under Cyberlink Power DVD

  • PowerDVD no longer intermittently terminates when playing HD MPEG2 content in extended/clone mode

  • Supreme Commander no longer shows flickering on the primary display with extended desktop

  • Vista: Extended display are no longer disabled when CrossFire is enabled for the primary adapter

  • The de-noise value in the Avivo Video - Advanced Quality page is now set to the proper default value after driver installation

  • Crysis Warhead no longer stops responding when playing at very high settings with CrossFire enabled

Resolved Issues for the Windows XP Operating System

ATI Catalyst Release Note Version 9.11 6

This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst

Software Suite for Windows XP. These include:

  • Transcoding of AC3 files no longer shows corruption in transcoded files

  • Battlefield 2142 running in CrossFire with "low" in-game settings no longer shows corruption on objects

  • Selection for "Add 720P 50Hz in the Display Manager (PAL)" no longer missing under HDTV Support in Catalyst Control Center

Known Issues Under All Windows Operating Systems

The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under

the Windows operating system in the latest version of Catalyst. These include:

  • Catalyst Control Center, changing the deinterlace mode may default to adaptive deinterlace mode when playing videos

  • Confirmation dialog box might not appear while extending the display through Catalyst Control Center in Windows 7

Known Issues Under the Windows 7 Operating System

The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under

the Windows 7 operating system in the latest version of Catalyst. These include:

  • AAMode appears in Catalyst Control Center under Graphics - 3D when it should not No sound output from Display Port audio in some extended mode configurations with VGA or DVI panels

  • Using drag and drop to transcode certain video files may not use the hardware accelerator Cyberlink PowerDVD; setting the "Allow PowerDVD to automatically disable

  • Windows Aero to optimize Blu-ray playback" may cause the system to become unresponsive during Blu-ray playback

  • Some video artifacts might be noticed when playing HD video files in fullscreen under Windows MCE or Windows Media player

  • FarCry2 (DX10) may stop responding when played at 2560X1600 and in-game anti-alias is set to 4X or higher

  • Cyberlink PowerDVD Blu-ray playback video may fail to render when swapping primary displays in a multi-monitor configuration

  • Catalyst Control Center, changing video gamma setting may have no effect on Adobe Flash Player

  • On some systems with WinDVD Blu-ray playback will not start until application has been minimized and restored

  • Adobe Flash player, dropped frames and browser lag may be noticed when playing multiple instances of Youtube clips in Firefox

  • On some system configurations changing desktop resolution may causes the OS to stop responding when real-time protection is enabled in Microsoft Security Essentials

Known Issues Under the Windows Vista Operating System

The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under

the Windows Vista operating system in the latest version of Catalyst. These include:

  • Crysis (DX10); with some system configurations flickering may occur during game play when Crossfire has been enabled

  • Corruption is observed while playing "The Witcher" video game on the Radeon HD 58xx products

  • WinDVD may stop responding when moved to an extended display in a multimonitor setup

  • No audio when hot plugging HDMI display while media file is being played

  • Horizontal line may appears at the bottom of video playback window when playing H.264 content in PowerDVD

  • Some Flash videos may fail to render when system is restored from sleep

  • Refreshing IE web page may cause the Adobe flash player hardware acceleration to be enabled after having been disabled

  • Adobe Flash player may show some block corruptions when playing certain videos files

  • Hardware acceleration may become disabled and browser may stop responding when running multiple instances of Adobe flash player

  • Running multiple instances of Adobe flash player may cause video playback to drop frames or flickering

  • Adobe Flash Player; some block corruption might be noticed when Youtube HD video is buffering

  • Some video artifacts may occur when playing two or more SD video files with hardware accelerated Adobe Flash player

  • On some systems playing multiple H.264 files may cause the Adobe Flash player to stop responding

Known Issues Under the Windows XP Operating System

The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under

the Windows XP operating system in the latest version of Catalyst. These include:

  • Tom Clancy's HAWX; VPU recover may occur in some CrossFire configurations

  • Some MP4 video files may not playback properly with hardware accelerated Adobe Flash player

  • Some system may intermittently stop responding when playing video clips with hardware accelerated Flash player

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