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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file UltraMon 3.0.8 beta
Informazioni e Release Notes del file UltraMon 3.0.8 beta
Data di pubblicazione: 22 dicembre 2009
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file UltraMon 3.0.8 beta, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su UltraMon 3.0.8 beta, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

New hotkeys and support for the Windows key: hotkeys have been added for the cascade, tile and show desktop window management options, and for starting/stopping and pausing/resuming mirroring. The hotkey entry now allows use of the Windows key as a modifier, support for using only a single key has also been added, you're no longer required to use a modifier key (ALT, CTRL, SHIFT).

Change monitor number on Windows 7: you can now change the monitor number used by UltraMon if it doesn't match what Windows Display Properties shows, to do this go to UltraMon menu > Display Settings, select the monitor whose number you want to change, click on Actions, then select Change Monitor Number from the menu.

User-configurable timeout for the display settings change confirmation prompt: the timeout used when confirming display settings changes can now be changed via UltraMon Options > Profiles and Shortcuts, the default has also been changed from 10 to 15 seconds. The timeout can optionally be disabled completely.

-For new installations on Windows 7 and later, UltraMon's drag maximized windows with the mouse feature is disabled by default. This change was made because Windows 7 has built-in support for this. If you prefer how UltraMon handles dragging of maximized windows, go to UltraMon Options > General and check 'enable moving of maximized windows using the mouse' to enable the feature.
-The display settings change confirmation prompt has been changed to work the same way as the prompt used by Windows, clicking the first button keeps the changes, the second one reverts to the previous settings. Previously UltraMon did this the other way around, with the first button reverting to the previous settings.

Fixed issues
-UltraMon system tray icon may not be present after restarting the system even though UltraMon is running
-Windows 7: enabling/disabling a monitor may not work, either via UltraMon menu > Display Settings or a display profile
-Applications crash when restarting UltraMon after UltraMon crashed or was terminated via Task Manager
-64-bit Windows 7: Live Messenger and Outlook 2007 hang or crash during system shutdown if UltraMon window buttons are enabled
-UltraMon.exe may crash on 64-bit Windows after resuming from hibernation
-Saving/restoring desktop icon positions doesn't work on Windows 7 if the desktop background is set to a slideshow
-UltraMon.exe uses lots of CPU when opening multiple elevated command prompts on Windows 7, and window buttons don't get added
-Fatal error in ButtonRendererVistaNonComposited.cpp at line 42 when using a custom visual style on Vista and later
-Window buttons positioned incorrectly for DPI-scaled applications. The positioning has been fixed, but the buttons are still too big, currently there's no fix for this
-No window buttons added to applications running in compatibility mode for an older operating system
-No window buttons added to elevated 32-bit applications running on 64-bit Vista/Windows 7
-Autohide may get disabled for UltraMon taskbars after the primary monitor has been changed
-Status window for Live Messenger gets placed on right-most monitor's taskbar on Windows 7 instead of the primary monitor
-Autohide taskbar fully transparent on Windows 7 after hovering over task preview on main taskbar to highlight window (Aero Peek)
-Can't restore minimized Windows Media Player video window by clicking its task button on Windows 7
-No task button added to main taskbar for newly launched apps, or apps moved to the monitor with the main taskbar
-Fatal error in TaskBand.cpp at line 786 when unlocking system and AIM received an instant message while the system was locked
-Taskbar Magnifier XP PowerToy toolbar doesn't fill the whole height of a multi-row taskbar
-Toolbars aren't centered vertically on a multi-row taskbar
-Fatal error in DeskTaskBar.cpp at line 910 when connecting to system via Remote Desktop
-When mirroring only a single application, other windows on top of the application are mirrored as well if not using desktop composition on Vista and later
-/e and /l command line options for UltraMonShortcuts.exe don't work if the file name is between double quotes

Known issues
-Runtime error in Adobe Acrobat when moving maximized window if Acrobat was launched from CCH ProSystem Engagement. As a workaround, go to UltraMon Options > Compatibility, then configure settings for Adobe Acrobat and check the 'use alternative method to move maximized window' option
-WindowBlinds skins which use transparency aren't fully supported on Windows XP, you'll get a black background where the taskbar should be transparent. There is no fix for this, it does work fine on Windows Vista though
-Docking hints from Xceed Docking Windows library don't work if UltraMon window buttons are enabled for the application
-Windows 2000: if you don't have Windows Installer version 3 or later installed, a driver used by UltraMon's mirroring feature won't get updated correctly when doing an upgrade install. Repairing the installation will fix the problem

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