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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file DU Meter 5.02 build 3303
Informazioni e Release Notes del file DU Meter 5.02 build 3303
Data di pubblicazione: 1 ottobre 2010
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file DU Meter 5.02 build 3303, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su DU Meter 5.02 build 3303, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

Most important features in DU Meter 5.0
  • DU Meter can discriminate between Internet and local LAN traffic, and monitor either of them. It can figure out what is Internet and what is LAN traffic automatically, or you can supply a list of IP subnetworks you wish to monitor or ignore.
  • If your networking traffic is not free (or it starts to cost you over a certain monthly limit), DU Meter can calculate and display total cost of traffic during this billing period. Peak/off-peak rates are supported too.
  • DU Meter can terminate all network connections as a result of an alert condition being met. E.g. you can specify that if monthly or daily traffic is over a certain limit, no more network traffic will be initiated.
  • Alerts may be based on current monthly charges.
  • Many bug fixes and improvements in stability and robustness - DU Meter can automatically recover now from database corruption (extremely rare).
  • Still light system resources usage: Despite all these improvements, DU Meter still takes very little system resources
Display improvements
  • Explorer deskband mode - DU Meter can attach itself to Windows taskbar for unobtrusive and prominent display.
  • Full support for 64-bit Windows - including Sidebar and Windows taskbar integration.
  • Several new types of graphs available, in addition to DU Meter "classic" mode.
  • Numerical display can show either current throughput values, or total monthly traffic, or monthly charges (network traffic costs).
  • Sub-pixel anti-aliased drawing for more visually pleasing display.
  • Numerical display is highlighted if alert condition is in effect.
  • "Click-through" mode - DU Meter window is visible and semi-translucent, and all mouse clicks go to the application below.
Reporting improvements
  • Reports network data transfer costs if configured.
  • Report file names can be automatically based on computer name or current date.
  • Many other improvements and bug fixes.
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