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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file Internet Explorer 9 Final
Informazioni e Release Notes del file Internet Explorer 9 Final
Data di pubblicazione: 15 marzo 2011
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file Internet Explorer 9 Final, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su Internet Explorer 9 Final, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

9 reasons to get Internet Explorer 9

Internet Explorer 9 provides the best web experience for Windows. Here are the top reasons why you should get it today.

1 - It's all-around fast - hardware-accelerated text, video, and graphics speed up performance and make websites perform like programs that are installed on your computer.

2 - Streamlined and simplified design - gives you the basic controls you need and puts the focus on your websites.

3 - One-click access to your favorite sites - with Pinned Sites, you can get to your favorite sites directly from the Windows taskbar without having to open your browser first.

4 - A combined search and Address bar - one place to either navigate to a website or start a search.

5 - Redesigned New Tab page - now you have quick access to the sites you visit most often, and you can also reopen closed tabs or your last browsing session, or start an InPrivate Browsing session.

6 - Integration with Windows 7 - with Snap, Pinned Sites, Jump Lists, and thumbnail preview controls, Internet Explorer 9 and Windows 7 bring you the best web experience for Windows.

7 - Improved add-on management - Add-on Performance Advisor tells you if an add-on is slowing down your browser and allows you to disable or remove it, helping ensure that your browser stays fast over time.

8 - Helps control your privacy - Tracking Protection enables you to limit the browser's communication with certain websites to help keep your information private.

9 - Keeps your downloads in order - Download Manager keeps a running list of the files you download from the Internet, notifies you if a file could be malicious, and allows you to pause and restart a download.

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