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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file USB Flash Drives Control
Informazioni e Release Notes del file USB Flash Drives Control
Data di pubblicazione: 28 settembre 2011
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file USB Flash Drives Control, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su USB Flash Drives Control, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

USB Flash Drives Control is a small and easy to use program that runs in taskbar, next to the system clock, and provides quick access to control the way in which USB flash drives are used on your computer. USB Flash Drives Control offers access to few, but powerful, options that helps you to control how your flash storage drives are used.

Enable USB Flash Drives
This is the default Windows setting.

Dissalow Execute
If you check this setting, execute access will be denied for all executable files on all USB flash drives used on current computer, on all user profiles. This ensures a plus of security to your system against dangerous and malicious software, like worms, backdoors or password stealers. Autorun is one of those 'convenience' features in Windows that can cause more harm than good. Essentially, Autorun enables designated files to run when an Autorun-enabled drive (such as a USB flash drive) is inserted into the computer. Autorun worms spread from USB flash drives as well as fixed drives. Autorun worms typically drop or download additional malware, usually backdoors and password stealers. Antivirus software offers a high degree of security, but there's still a considerable high margin of error. With tens of thousands of new malware released every month, there can be a considerable lapse between when new malware begins spreading and when actual detection capability is in place. If you encounter the malware in between these periods, the malware will slip past the scanner and onto your system, after which it will disable your antivirus and prevent it from detecting any threats whatsoever. This option is available only for Microsoft Windows 7.

Read Only Mode
If you enable this setting, write access will be denied on all USB flash drives used on current computer. All USB flash drives become read-only. There may be cases where we may want the users to connect their USB flash drives to our computer only for reading the data from them, but not let other people to copy informations from our computer, into their USB flash drives.

Disable USB Flash Drives
Assume that you want to prevent users from connecting to a USB storage device that is connected to your computer, just use this option and users won't be able anymore to install USB flash devices on your computer.

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