UltraDefrag 7.1.0 changelog:
the repeat action option was retired, now all the disk processing algorithms decide themselves whether it's worth to run one more pass or not
compatibility with Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 was improved
cluster map was adjusted to always fit perfectly into the main frame
file fragmentation reports appearance was improved
options.lua file was moved to conf subfolder to fix configuration tracking bugs (#222 and #225)
explorer's context menu entries were fixed to never show up for special objects like recycle bin and control panel
file fragmentation reports were fixed to take daylight saving time settings into account
a lot of minor bugs were fixed
documentation was expanded
?The following translations were updated:
Chinese (China), English (United Kingdom), Estonian, French, Galician, German, Iloko, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Spanish (Argentina), Spanish (Mexico), Swedish
Other changes:
- website was moved from http://ultradefrag.sourceforge.net/ to https://ultradefrag.net/ for the sake of performance - now it works approximately 10 times faster
- Internals: compilation was optimized for speed