- Now you can use <Tab> and <Shift>+<Tab> keys to select next/previous point on the curve. This feature is useful for those who prefer to use keyboard <Up>/<Down> keys to fine-tune selected point frequency offset instead of adjusting the point with mouse cursor. I'm not sure if many of you know that, but I'll remind that you can also hold <Ctrl> while fine-tuning frequency offset with <Up>/<Down> keys to jump to the nearest frequency value rounded to 10MHz
- Now you can press <Enter> key to edit selected point frequency offset from keyboard. Alternately you may press <Shift>+<Enter> to specify absolute target frequency value, so the editor will calculate desired offset automatically
- Slightly changed keyboard control interface for AMD implementation of V/F curve editor. Previously you could select P-State and fine-tune frequency with <Up>/<Down> or <Ctrl>+<Up>/<Ctrl>+<Down> keys or fine-tune voltage <Left>/<Right> or <Ctrl>+<Left>/<Ctrl>+<Right> keys. Now both frequency and voltage are adjusted with <Up>/<Down> or <Ctrl>+<Up>/<Ctrl>+<Down> keys and voltage or frequency keyboard input focus is selected with <PageUp> / <PageDown> keys. Voltage or frequency keyboard input focus is now highlighted by selected point brightness on the curve. Keyboard input focus also affects new <Enter> / <Shift> + <Enter> functionality, allowing you to type in target voltage or frequency in both offset or absolute form
- Similar to NVIDIA implementation, now you may also hold <Alt> when dragging V/F curve point on AMD systems. This will result in moving whole curve up/down while preserving each point's offset
- Added undo/redo support to voltage/frequency curve editor:
- Now voltage/frequency curve editor is saving up to 1024 last states of the curve during editing and allows you to undo/redo changes with <Ctrl>+<Z> or <Ctrl>+<Y> / <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<Z> keys
- Undo history is discarded when you apply the curve, forcibly reread it from hardware with <F5> key or switch to different GPU on multi-GPU system
- Number of recorded undo/redo steps is displayed in square brackets in the editor window caption
- Application properties dialog window is now displayed with topmost style when the properties are activated from detached monitoring window and "Always on top" mode is enabled for it
- NVIDIA Scanner components are updated to latest version, NVML.dll issue should be addressed now