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AMD mostra Evergreen, la prima gpu che supporta DirectX 11

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04.06.2009 - AMD mostra Evergreen, la prima gpu che supporta DirectX 11

AMD ha colto l'occasione rappresentata dal COMPUTEX 2009 di Taipei per mostrare al grande pubblico la prima gpu compatibile con le API Microsoft DirectX 11 e, in ultima analisi, per ribadire il vantaggio accumulato sulla competitor NVIDIA proprio nell'ambito delle DirectX 11 su cui saranno costruiti i game del prossimo futuro, partner ideali di Windows 7.

Questa gpu, il cui nome in codice è Evergreen, al pari di tutti gli altri processori DirectX 11 compliant di AMD, è realizzata con un processo di fabbricazione a 40nm, implementato dalla taiwanense TSMC: l'arrivo sul mercato delle prime schede grafiche costruite intorno a Evergreen è atteso nell'ultimo trimestre dell'anno, con una tempistica sostanzialmente coincidente con la disponibilità di Windows 7, che Microsoft ha fissato per il prossimo 22 Ottobre.

Alla base delle DirectX 11 vi sono due feature che le prossime gpu di AMD, in accordo al maker statunitense, saranno in grado di sfruttare al meglio: Compute Shader e Tessellation.

La prima estende il concetto, già presente nelle gpu odierne, relativo alla programmabilità dei processori grafici, ai quali sarà possibile richiede compiti legati in maniera non esclusiva al rendering della scena grafica in senso ampio, come ad esempio la gestione dell'intelligenza artificiale, finora curata dal processore centrale, oppure degli aspetti fisici, che ad oggi sono a carico di un processore dedicato.

Con la Tessellation, che rappresenta di per se un concetto ed una funzionalità non nuovi, che però Microsoft ha ulteriormente evoluto con le DirectX 11, gli oggetti 3D acquisteranno un aspetto maggiormente definito rispetto a quello reso possibile dalle tecnologie attuali. Alla base della Tessellation vi è la suddivisione della superficie da renderizzare in sottoinsiemi, come le tessere di un puzzle: questo approccio non si accompagna, almeno in linea teorica, a perdite di prestazioni.

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COMPUTEX 2009, Taipei -- June 3, 2009 - At a press conference in Taipei, Taiwan today, AMD publicly demonstrated the world’s first Microsoft DirectX 11 graphics processor. The series of demonstrations shed new light on the significantly improved computing experience set to debut at the end of 2009. The fusion of AMD’s new ground-breaking graphics processors with the forthcoming DirectX 11 programming interface is set to forever change both applications and PC gaming for the better. To illustrate, AMD showed numerous examples of faster application performance and new game features using the world’s first true DirectX 11 graphics processor.

  • Get ready for a revolution: Games and other applications are about to get a lot better as a result of AMD’s new graphics hardware and DirectX 11. DirectX 11 features such as tessellation will bring consumers higher quality, superior performing games making use of 6th generation AMD technology. Another DirectX 11 feature, the compute shader, will enable AMD’s DirectX 11 graphics cards to help make Windows 7 run faster in a wide number of applications and in a manner that’s completely transparent to users, for example, in seamlessly accelerating the conversion of video for playback on portable media players through a drag-and-drop interface.
  • DirectX 11 done right on AMD: The development of DirectX 11 has been broadly influenced by AMD graphics technology. Each new version of DirectX builds on the versions that came before it, and many of the capabilities of DirectX 11 were pioneered on AMD GPUs, including DirectX 10.1, tessellation, compute shaders, Fetch4, custom filter anti-aliasing and high-definition ambient occlusion shading.
  • Bringing consumers DirectX 11 sooner: The preview of the world’s first DirectX 11 graphics processor at Computex 2009 validates AMD’s commitment to delivering leading technologies to market before anyone else, and to continuing to foster innovation in computing.
  • Fueling developer demand: It’s not just consumers who are excited about the prospects of DirectX 11, game developers are also incredibly enthusiastic about taking advantage of new DirectX 11 hardware to bring even better games to market, in large part due to AMD’s readiness to meet their DirectX 11 needs. Many developers have indicated their commitment to building DirectX 11 games initially on AMD’s DirectX 11 hardware, delivering superior performance and compatibility.
"AMD has a long track record of delivering pioneering features that have gone on to become mainstays in the DirectX experience, and we’re doing it again with two mature, AMD-developed technologies in DirectX 11 – tessellation and the compute shader – both of which enable a better DirectX 11 experience for consumers," said Rick Bergman, Senior Vice President, AMD Products Group. "Today, we’re previewing AMD’s DirectX 11 graphics processor to build enthusiasm for this key technology so developers will have games available at launch and shortly thereafter. With the benefits it delivers to gaming, applications and Windows 7, developers are lining up to get their hands on our hardware, and we’re confident that consumers will too."

News Source: AMD Press Release

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