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AMD annuncia la cpu quad-core Athlon II X4 620 per il mainstream

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16.09.2009 - AMD annuncia la cpu quad-core Athlon II X4 620 per il mainstream

Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, AMD ha lanciato il processore quad-core Athlon II X4 620, una soluzione dal costo molto limitato per l'utente finale, essendo caratterizzato da un SSBP (Suggested System Builder Price) inferiore alla soglia dei $100, ma che può vantare buone prestazioni, più che sufficienti, in accordo ad AMD, per fruire al meglio del prossimo Windows 7 e per riprodurre i filmati in High Definition. Più in generale, con questa cpu AMD vuole permettere il multi-tasking con i sistemi mainstream.

Il chip-maker indica nel chipset AMD 785G, che include un IGP basato su ATI Radeon HD 4200, il compagno di viaggio ideale del nuovo processore. L'Athlon II X4 620, che è fabbricato con un processo a 45nm, è inoltre ottimizzato per garantire in ogni condizione di utilizzo un consumo di potenza ridotto ai minimi termini.

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SUNNYVALE, Calif. - 9/16/2009

  • As part of the new desktop platform designed for mainstream consumers, AMD (NYSE: AMD) today announced the first ever quad-core processor for less than $100 Suggested System Builder Price (SSBP). By balancing the power of new AMD Athlon II X4 quad-core processors and the AMD 785G chipset featuring ATI Radeon HD 4200 graphics, AMD delivers smooth HD visuals and the foundation for a great Windows 7 experience.
  • When matched against similarly priced competitive processors, the AMD Athlon II X4 620 processor delivers superior multitasking performance allowing mainstream users to do more in less time, for less money.
  • The AMD Mainstream Desktop Platform leverages AMD software to help enhance the overall experience. ATI Stream technology, for example, enables hardware acceleration that can speed HD video conversion-time so content can be ready faster for use on-the-go.
  • Combining the efficiency of 45nm processors and this platform’s built-in power management technologies for a cool and quiet PC, an AMD Athlon II processor-based platform can serve-up an amazing Blu-ray movie experience using less energy than a standard 75 watt light bulb.
  • This platform also can improve business users’ experience as part of AMD Business Class technology. With this second generation commercial platform, AMD industry partners can offer a variety of form factors with superior value, exceptional energy efficiency, advanced visual productivity.  This platform also has support for essential manageability, security and virtualization features that today’s businesses demand.
Quote Support:

"Our goal is to deliver a great computing experience and maximize value for our customers," said John Cook, vice president of marketing, global PC business, HP. "The new AMD quad-core processors offer the right balance between excellent performance and price, and allow HP to continue to be a best-in-class provider of consumer technology."

"Designed with customer needs in mind, Windows 7 simplifies and improves the computing experience," said Mike Ybarra, general manager of Windows Product Management at Microsoft Corp. "The introduction of the new AMD Mainstream Desktop Platform coupled with Windows 7, allows end users to enjoy their digital entertainment with a faster, higher performing experience at an attractive price point."

  • Get more information on the new AMD Mainstream Desktop Platform including pricing, images, partner support and more – press kit
  • Check out this video to see why new AMD platforms deliver a solid foundation for Windows 7
  • Go here for more information on AMD Business Class and this new commercial desktop platform
  • Follow AMD Desktop news on Twitter at @AMDDesktop
  • More information on HP desktop PCs featuring AMD technology
  • See more about AMD’s alliance with Microsoft here

News Source: AMD Press Release

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