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Point of View lancia la GeForce GTX 275 Batman: Arkham Asylum

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19.09.2009 - Point of View lancia la GeForce GTX 275 Batman: Arkham Asylum

Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, POINT OF VIEW ha presentato al grande pubblico la scheda grafica GeForce GTX 275 Batman: Arkham Asylum. Come si intuisce facilmente dalla denominazione e dall'aspetto dell'hardware (cfr. la foto seguente), si tratta di una video card basata sulla gpu GeForce GTX 275 e aderente al design reference proposto da NVIDIA che però include nel suo bundle un codice, che permette il download da del game Batman: Arkham Asylum in versione full, e gli occhiali 3D Discover.

Alla base del sodalizio che riunisce questa scheda grafica e il titolo Batman: Arkham Asylum vi è il comune supporto di due tecnologie chiave per i prodotti gaming-oriented di NVIDIA, come PhysX e 3D Vision. La GeForce GTX 275 Batman: Arkham Asylum è stata realizzata in edizione limitata ed è acquistabile soltanto on line presso alcuni store europei selezionati da POV.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

POINT OF VIEW, key partner to NVIDIA for its range of NVIDIA-based graphics cards, is today launching the new limited edition GeForce GTX 275 Batman: Arkham Asylum bundle.

Be one of the few to own one of these rare collectable editions that feature Batman’s most notorious enemy, The Joker! The videogame Batman: Arkham Asylum fully supports PhysX technology and 3D vision by NVIDIA.

POINT OF VIEW offers a truly fantastic bundle.

  • One of the best selling Graphics cards in this industry: The GEFORCE GTX275 with 896MB DDR3 memory

  • A Voucher for the full version of the game BATMAN : ARKMAN ASYLUM (downloadable from

  • A Free pair of 3D Discover Glasses.

The GEFORCE GTX 275 fully supports PhysX technology from NVIDIA. PhysX technology provides an even deeper level of engagement for players of Batman: Arkham Asylum by utilising the processing power of the NVIDIA GPU to render stunning in-game physics objects in the environment that not only add to the overall look of the game but create an immersive and believable world.

With PhysX technology enabled, players can explore darkened corridors packed with volumetric fog which reacts to Batman’s movement and cobwebs which tear with his passing. Combat becomes a maelstrom of motion as office papers are thrown into the air alongside soda cans and litter as Batman lands each punch upon The Joker’s henchmen. Throughout the game, the decaying gothic architecture is realised to an incredible detail with wall tiles chipping and breaking, stone pillars crumbling upon impact, and particles from breaking glass and debris falling and shattering down around Batman’s feet.

Batman: Arkham Asylum exposes players to a unique, dark and atmospheric adventure that takes them to the depths of Arkham Asylum – Gotham’s psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane. Gamers will move in the shadows, instigate fear amongst their enemies and confront The Joker and Gotham City’s most notorious villains who have taken over the asylum. Using a wide range of Batman’s gadgets and abilities, players will become the Invisible Predator and attempt to foil The Joker’s demented scheme.
This bundle will be available in a limited edition only.

So get YOURS today and have a look on for a shop in your neighbourhood

News Source: POINT OF VIEW Press Release

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