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bitComposer annuncia la demo gratuita del racing game RACE On

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10.10.2009 - bitComposer annuncia la demo gratuita del racing game RACE On

Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, il publisher bitComposer Games ha annunciato la disponibilità gratuita della versione demo del game di simulazione automobilistica RACE On.

La demo offre la possibilità di gareggiare in due piste (Oschersleben e Falkenberg) con due distinte automobili, la Dodge Challenger SRT8 e la Seat Leon TDI, utilizzando altrettante modalità di gioco. La "Racing Event" consente al player di misurarsi nella simulazione di un intero weekend dedicato al racing mentre la "Time Attack" è finalizzata al conseguimento del giro di pista più veloce.

La data di rilascio di RACE On, che è stato sviluppato dalla software house SimBin, è fissata per il prossimo 22 Ottobre, in coincidenza con l'arrivo di Windows 7. Il titolo sarà disponibile esclusivamente in edizione per PC. Seguono alcuni screenshot.

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Eschborn, October 8, 2009: The games publisher bitComposer Games today released a demo version of the new racing simulation RACE On. Virtual racing drivers can now complete the first laps with two cars: the Dodge Challenger SRT8 and the Seat Leon TDI. The demo has two game modes and two tracks for car racing fanatics: Oschersleben and Falkenberg. A multiplayer steam demo is also planned and will be available shortly. The RACE On demo has two game modes: in "Racing Event" mode players must complete a whole weekend of racing, including training, qualifiers and the race itself, whereas the objective in "Time Attack" is to achieve the fastest lap around a circuit.

In RACE On, PC players can race on the circuits in 39 meticulously reproduced vehicles that are available in over 450 designs. 27 variants of 21 racing tracks guarantee hours of gaming fun. Apart from Imola and Okayama, glamorous raceways such as Laguna Seca, Road America, Sturup and Karlskoga also feature on the impressive list of tracks.

Drivers can compete against up to 24 AI drivers in the 17 different race classes, and can of course burn rubber against real players online!

The new Dual Ghost mode offers players two ghost opponents to help improve both your own lap times and those of your opponent.

A realistic physics engine and a dynamic weather system that can change during a race, provides a totally authentic race atmosphere. Compulsory pit stops in the STCC races add an extra tactical component to the already exhilarating gameplay experience.

RACE On will be available in stores on October 22 on Windows PC, priced 49.99 Euros. For more information about RACE On, please visit: For further info on bitComposer Games, please visit:

News Source: bitComposer Games & SimBin Press Release

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