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Micron annuncia RealSSD C300 SSD, il primo SSD SATA III Ready

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04.12.2009 - Micron annuncia RealSSD C300 SSD, il primo SSD SATA III Ready

Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, Micron Technology ha annunciato RealSSD C300 SSD, il più veloce drive a stato solido ad oggi disponibile dal momento che la device (cfr. le foto seguenti), che è utilizzabile sia in ambito notebook che desktop, è dotata di una interfaccia verso il mondo di tipo SATA III o, in maniera equivalente, SATA 6Gb/s.

Il costruttore esalta in particolare, oltre alle doti tipiche di un disco a stato solido, come l'elevata affidabilità e la riduzione del consumo di potenza rispetto alle soluzioni convenzionali ovvero ai dischi rigidi, il livello prestazionale offerto dal nuovo hardware, in grado di far misurare una velocità che può raggiungere i 355MB/s in fase di lettura e i 215MB/s in quella di scrittura.

Un simile livello prestazionale promette, in termini macroscopici, non soltanto il caricamento più veloce dei programmi e la velocizzazione della copia dei file rispetto agli SSD SATA II Ready ma anche la riduzione del tempo di boot del Sistema Operativo.

RealSSD C300 SSD sarà disponibile in due form factor, pari rispettivamente a 1.8-inch e 2.5-inch: per ciascuno di essi Micron realizzerà due distinte soluzioni aventi una capacità pari a 128GB in un caso e a 256GB nell'altro.

Al momento RealSSD C300 SSD è disponibile come engineering sample; il maker conta di avviare la produzione in volumi nel primo trimestre del 2010.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Micron Technology, Inc. has raised the performance bar for SSDs. The company today announced its RealSSD C300 SSD, the industry’s fastest for notebook and desktop PCs. Micron’s new RealSSD C300 drive enables users to enjoy a more powerful and responsive computing experience—including faster operating system (OS) boot and hibernate times, and speedier application load, data transfer and file copying. To see a video demonstration of the performance advantages achieved when using Micron’s RealSSD C300 drive, visit

"The C300 SSD not only delivers on all the inherent advantages of SSDs – improved reliability and lower power use – but also leverages a finely tuned architecture and high-speed ONFI 2.1 NAND to provide a whole new level of performance," said Dean Klein, vice president of memory system development at Micron.

While benchmark tests have shown that the C300 SSD is the fastest PC SSD leveraging the industry standard SATA 3Gb/s interface, the SSD performance is further boosted by natively supporting the next generation high-speed interface – SATA 6Gb/s.

What Does SATA 6Gb/s Mean? It’s All in the Numbers.
Native support of SATA 6Gb/s means that the data path between the host computer and the SSD is twice as fast as the previous SATA 3Gb/s interface. While some drive architectures require a trade-off between throughput-sensitive and IOPS (Input/Output Per Second)-sensitive data streams, Micron’s core design and higher speed interface provides advantages for both. The C300 SSD leverages the SATA 6Gb/s interface to achieve a read throughput speed of up to 355MB/s and a write throughput speed of up to 215MB/s. Using the common PC Mark Vantage scoring system, the C300 SSD turns in a score of 45,000 from the HDD Suite. To see a Micron C300 SSD competitive performance benchmark video, visit

"Hard drives gain little performance advantage when using SATA 6Gb/s because of mechanical limitations," said Klein. "As a developer of leading-edge NAND technology, along with our sophisticated controller and firmware innovations, Micron is well positioned to tune our drives to take full advantage of the faster speeds achieved using the SATA 6Gb/s interface. The combination of these technology advancements has enabled the RealSSD C300 drive to far outshine the competition."

Designed Using Micron’s Industry-Leading 34nm NAND Flash Memory
The RealSSD C300 drive leverages Micron’s established 34nm MLC NAND flash memory, allowing the company to provide a cost-competitive, high-capacity SSD solution. Bringing another first to SSDs, Micron’s 34nm MLC NAND supports the high-speed ONFI 2.1 standard, ensuring the NAND performance keeps pace with the faster SATA 6Gb/s interface.

The drives will be available in 1.8-inch and 2.5-inch form factors, with both drives supporting 128GB and 256GB capacities. Micron is currently sampling the C300 SSD in limited quantities and expects to enter production in the first quarter of calendar 2010.

News Source: Micron Press Release

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