E' CMD24GX3M6A1333C9 il part number dell'ultima soluzione in ordine di tempo commercializzata da Corsair per l'equipaggiamento dei sistemi high-end di tipo desktop e workstation: il nuovo KIT di DDR3 Dominator da 24GB è stato progettato per permettere la realizzazione di configurazioni a triple-channel ad altissime prestazioni, da abbinare ai processori Intel Core i7 ("Bloomfield") e al chipset Intel X58.
Ogni kit include sei moduli con capacità di 4GB, operanti a 1333MHz e con un profilo di timing pari a 9-9-9-27, in corrispondenza di una tensione di alimentazione VDIMM di default pari a 1.65V. Corsair è ricorsa anche in questo caso alla applicazione di un cooler passivo realizzato con l'ausilio della tecnologia proprietaria DHX+.

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FREMONT, California, December 15, 2009 - Corsair, a worldwide leader in high-performance computer and flash memory products, today announced a 24GB Dominator triple-channel DDR3 memory kit designed for high-performance desktop and workstation computing applications.
Corsair's 24GB Dominator DDR3 memory kit has been rigorously tested in high-performance platforms based on the Intel X58 motherboard chipset for Intel Core i7 [Bloomfield] processors. It comprises six 4GB DDR3 DIMMs that operate at a frequency of 1333MHz, at latency timings of 9-9-9-27, with 1.65V VDIMM. The 24GB Dominator memory kit also features Corsair's patented DHX+ heatsink technology for optimal cooling and reliability. The modules, equipped with signature American Racing Blue heatsink fins, are found on select Corsair Dominator DDR3 memory for Intel Core i5 and Core i7 platforms in 8GB and 12GB kits.
"Corsair's 24GB Dominator memory kit is perfect for high-performance computing applications, including computational research, HD digital content creation, working with multiple virtual machines, and other data-intensive applications," said John Beekley, VP of Technical Marketing at Corsair. "The latest multi-core Intel and AMD CPUs, combined with sophisticated graphics processors from Nvidia and AMD, are capable of performing incredible workloads. Corsair's 24GB Dominator memory kit enables the large number of concurrent threads and substantial datasets required by these applications."
The Corsair 24GB Dominator DDR3 memory kit (part number CMD24GX3M6A1333C9) is available immediately from the Corsair Store.
News Source: Corsair Press Release