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Intel CEO Paul Otellini Addresses AMD Lawsuit

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30.06.2005 - Intel CEO Paul Otellini Addresses AMD Lawsuit

SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 29, 2005 -- Intel Corporation President and CEO Paul Otellini today addressed the antitrust lawsuit filed against Intel this week by Advanced Micro Devices Inc. The AMD lawsuit asserted a number of complaints regarding the business practices of Intel and its customers.

"Intel has always respected the laws of the countries in which we operate," Otellini said. "We compete aggressively and fairly to deliver the best value to consumers. This will not change.

"Over the years, Intel has been involved in other antitrust suits and faced similar issues. Every one of those matters has been resolved to our satisfaction. We unequivocally disagree with AMD’s claims and firmly believe this latest suit will be resolved favorably, like the others."


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